The Technicolor Phase by Owl City (Almost Alice CD. Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack)
Okay! So here's some pictures I've taken lately.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Technicolor Phase
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa by Grant Lee Phillips
(^Great and beautiful song, you can listen to it from my updated music list over there-->)
Whelp. . .here I am.
I know it's been forever, and I don't know how many of you that read this missed me. (But I know my grandma did! Hi, Grandma!!)
Okay, well, I'm back from Ireland. My time there was shortened due to lack of information regarding paperwork I apparently needed before I got there and wasn't told about until I was at Customs. Sad but true. My time there was wonderful though, I met some absolutely amazing people and saw magnificent things and learned a lot in my short time there. I've got some great pictures and stories that I'll hold onto forever. Here's some of my favorite pictures:
This is the view from my bedroom window. It was the middle of winter, and it's still greener than it is in the middle of our summer. (The little town I lived in was called Coole.)
Tullynally Castle in Castlepollard. Castlepollard is right next to Coole, it's a little bigger of a town. This castle is normally open for tours and such during summer, but seeing as I was there out of tourist season (which was great!) it wasn't open.Driveway of Tullynally castle. So gorgeous. It "snowed" (more like frost to me) the night before, hence the snow that's stuck to the road (and not the grass). I wish my driveway looked like that. There's a little bit of a glare because I took this through Patrick's car windshield.
Fore Abbey (in Fore, next town from Coole, and Castlepollard). Founded in 630 A.D. by St. Féichín (pronounced Fe-hin). It's settled nicely between two hills. Another perk of going when it's not tourist season is there's nobody to get in the way of pictures! It's in a ruin-ish state, and it was so quiet there. Walking around it and in it, it felt like Patrick and I were the only two people alive. Kinda weird, yet pretty cool.
These six and a half arches are all that's left of the arches that went around the inside of the courtyard area inside the Abbey. St. Féichín's Mill. It was IN USE until about 1875. The water comes from Lough Lene on the other side of the hill across the street from the Abbey. The water goes through the hill-but from the lough side it appears as though it's running up the hill. "The water that flows uphill" is one of the Seven Wonders of Fore. Here: is a really good explanation of the Seven Wonders if you fancy a look.
Cathedral of Christ the King in Mullingar (Mullingar is the county city for County Westmeath). Those spires are 140 feet tall and can be seen from miles around Mullingar. It was consecrated in 1936.
Gated archway at the end of the driveway by the Cathedral. There was one over the sidewalks on each side of the driveway.
Gorgeous sunset this night, the sky was cotton candy pink and baby blue.
Pictures really don't do this place justice. A lot of people asked me if I was nervous and/or scared going by myself. And my answer was no. I loved my time there, and I'm itching to go back. The first chance I get, I'm taking it. It's so fantastically wonderful over there. It's known kind of all over the world that the people in Ireland are pretty much the friendliest people you'll meet. And I can say first-hand that is so true! I spent a day in Mullingar by myself and the shop owners, cafe workers will just sit and chat with you (if they're not busy, that is) even the guy at the car wash of a gas station. The lady in one of the shops I went in talked to me for at least 45 minutes. During which she told me I should be in/could be the Rose of Tralee, I'm "absolutely gorgeous". And the guy in the shop across the street from her told me to, "look after myself, now. A pretty little thing like me in a big town like this all by myself." They say what they think, and are quick to smile and laugh or tell a story or joke. I felt easily and comfortably at-home there.
Shortly after I got back from Ireland, I was able to get a job as a massage therapist, so that's pretty great. I'm building clientele and having a good time doing what I like.
I'm also back dancing. Which is SO great. I was only gone from it for three months and I was surprised how quickly my endurance was taken away. But after a few intense weeks and painful practices I'm pretty much back to normal. And now I'm on a break for a few weeks before starting the 5 week summer intensive course thing. So for the next few weeks I will be teaching myself. I've almost got this learned: And I have this learned:
(From 3:10-5:05 it's fun)
I also bought a new camera. It's a lovely upgrade from my little point-and-shoot digital. I love it. It's a Nikon D110. Not as nice (and/or expensive) as the super good ones like my dad has, but it's good enough for me for now. I haven't been able to play with it too much, all I've taken pictures of so far are hummingbirds in my backyard. But hopefully I'll get a chance to go out and play with it soon.
This is plenty long I think. So I'll end here and post more later.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 9:59 PM 0 comments