Not Afraid by Eminem (don't judge..I actually really like this song. The chorus is my favorite part.)
Well, my parents and I took a trip to Hawaii. Kauai and Maui. What an adventure that was. Kayaking and hiking, South Pacific live theater, snorkeling, shopping, driving around, I got a massage and a henna tattoo. :) Unfortunately on the way home I got sick. Just before we landed in L.A. I don't give details because well-they're not flattering, and honestly, kinda gross. But the doctors don't know what it is/was. I'm doing better now, which is good. (No thanks to the doctor and hospital tests they've done.) I just can't eat anything heavy/hard to digest, I need to still take it easy and not be super active, and I can't get too hot/overheated.
I found what I want my adventure next year to be.
It looks SO fun!! It's Stage Fire Irish Dance Project-in Poland! I know, Poland seems like a unique place for such a project..but it sounds awesome. And it's not a super long deal either, 10 days! Former leads of Riverdance put this together, and they say anyone can do it! Any level of Irish Dancer can do it, and it's not arm-and-a-leg-cost-of-your-first-born expensive. So thanks to Gwen for giving me the fun, crafty idea of saving money for a goal! Here's what I did:Take a shadowbox picture frame-and drill a hole in the top to drop your money into. On the back, you can put pictures of whatever goal you have or whatnot. It's a fun way to remind yourself of a goal, and watch as your money adds up as you save it!
I don't know if I'll actually do Stage Fire-but it looks SO fun, and it'll give me something to work towards. We should always have some sort of goal or something we want to work towards, or what are we doing? Nothing. This will be my something to work for.
Sorry this is short--but I've got a bookshelf to build.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago