Science and Faith by The Script
(They are Amazing. End of story.)
Horrible, I know it's been over a month since my last post. For the few of you who follow this, I'm sorry. Life has either been busy or boring.
Christmas was SO great. It was the first time in three years my family has been together (minus my cousin Kevin who is on a mission). Both my brother and sister and their families were able to come to Utah, which was awesome.
New Years I spent with Rigby. Playing games and laughing. Reminiscing of the year, previous New Years I was in Ireland. A lot has changed last year. Went to Ireland, got a job (still working at that job, too), strengthened friendships and rediscovered how amazing some of my friends are, got some health problems but fortunately it's been under control the last few months.
This year I have some goals that I want to reach. Some to share are: Go on at least one trip out of the country. Take up calligraphy. Learn to play the bodhrán (the Irish drum, I got one for Christmas).
Tonight the Parental Units and I watched The Lost Valentine. It has Betty White, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sean Faris. It's a good movie, I really enjoyed it. If you don't get at least misty eyed during that movie, you have no heart.
On the dancing front; I got pretty amazing news at dance this last week. Riverdance is coming end of March-April 1&2. Basically the whole studio is going on the 1st. My teacher knows A Lot of people, and has a connection, and arranged for a lead from Riverdance to come to our studio and do a workshop with us the day before we all go to the show. I am SO excited! It's basically going to be the best weekend ever. Riverdance workshop one day, and then going to the show the next. I can hardly wait until April 1&2. We are also getting ready for the Celtic Celebration show coming up in March. Starting this week I am going to the studio twice a week for 6 weeks to get ready. I was able to get it worked out with work that I can get off two hours early on Thursday night so I can go to rehearsal.
So, there's this guy doing something pretty cool. He's going to have a new experience every day for a year. It reminds me of The Buried Life in fact, I heard about the Time Hack from The Buried Life. I'll put a link to The Time Hack on my link column to the right.
My favorite band, The Script, put out a new album this month. I've been waiting for it since they released it in the UK and Ireland back in September. It's amazing. These lads are incredible. They write everything, what I love most, is their songs are inspired by everyday conversations they have with people in their lives. Someone will say something and lyrics pop into their heads and poof-they have a new song. Love it. I find their lyrics to be super powerful, and wholeheartedly relate-able. Take a gander at them if you haven't yet.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago