Time by Chantal Kreviazuk
Crazy last few weeks. We had some scare with my kitty kitty, Tiger. He's a rather old cat (17 years, basically he's an 83 year old man) and had some strange behavior occasionally. So we took him for a geriatric feline checkup. He had some pretty bad mouth problems, a thyroid that was like it was on speed, and a slightly overactive liver. So we took him home with some medicines to help get thyroid and liver down so he could have mouth surgery. But he stopped eating and drinking and started throwing up a lot. 5 days later the poor cat was basically just a bag of bones, and was pooping blood. Terrified that this might be the end, my parents took him to the vet once more. The vet seemed optimistic, and wanted to keep him for a few days to see if he could make a comeback. He was severely dehydrated and had lost a little over a pound in 6 days. (He only weighed 6.12 to begin with) So they kept him, and I visited every day (except the first day he was there, that was too much of an emotional day for me). The day after he was admitted he seemed like a whole new cat, purring instantly when I picked him up and rubbing his head on me. He even started eating on his own again while I was there. Day 2, more improvement. All his levels were back down into the normal range. Day 3 in the animal clinic he was even eating hard food-which he hasn't done in over 6 months. He's insisted on canned soft food. Because he was doing so well, Dr. Ben and Dr. Joe thought he could undergo his mouth surgery and we could take him home shortly after that. They let him gain strength and fill up day 3 and morning of day 4 he had his mouth surgery. And handled it beautifully. I visited, like always, before I went to work. He was a little drunk on kitty morphene but seemed great. Afternoon of day 5 (Friday) they let us bring him home. As soon as I carried him out of the clinic he wrapped his paws around my neck and tucked his head under my chin. Super happy to be going home. Friday night, he started out curled up by my legs like usual but then, he climbed onto my stomach and fell asleep ON me. Which he hasn't done before. He's really glad to be home, and I'm really glad to have him home. He's my shadow/my life companion (I've had him since I was 5)/my child/my sibling. Every close relationship you can imagine. One of my favorite things is when he climbs up on me, lays down, purrs loudly, and head-butts my chin. It's his form of snuggling. This picture was yesterday:
And this picture was this morning:
He's still eating and drinking all on his own, and doing great. And I couldn't be more happy he's still with me.
Mr. Dublin Taxi man shared this: "The Mad cabby in Dc had a good customer who worked in the finance sector. One day he saw her driving a cab in Washington. So he paid her back for all the good tips he got from her as a passenger and coached her in the art of taxi driving. I often wonder how people would cope if positions are ever reversed." I share that because of a-the kindness of the Mad Cabby, and 2- the last sentence. How would you do if you were in the position of someone else. IE your waitress, cab driver, massage therapist, etc. Makes you maybe appreciate their services a little more?
Wow !!!!
2 months ago