Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson
Winter has fully set in here, which makes me happy. And sad at the same time-because I'm leaving before I get to really enjoy it. But that's okay. And while I'll miss the mass amounts of snow, I'll enjoy all the new things I get to experience. I depart for Ireland in a week. Part of me can't believe that it's happening, like some of this is a very realistic fantasy playing out. I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed. That's normal though, right? This is a huge thing! I think the biggest part of it is not knowing when I'll be back. But this is going to be such an epic adventure, I'm going to learn a ton, meet so many people, have experiences and opportunities that I can't get here. So that part is unbelievably and dauntingly exciting. And I'm not going to be disconnected from the people back here, I'll have e-mail and internet access. And I can get pretty good deals on calling cards.
I've had some interesting chats with a few people-who have all said relatively the same things. Which is interesting, but re-affirms to me that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. They've said things like when I get there, it'll be almost like I'm going home (in a sense) and that it'll be like I've been there before (which, in reality, I haven't). And that the things that I'll do and learn and see are going to be both what I need-and what the people I'm going to are going to need as well. Ends are being tied up getting me more prepared to go, there's multiple I'm not going to share online-because who knows who reads this thing. But things like saying final "See-you-later"s to friends, because I don't do goodbyes. It sounds too Final. Especially when you know you're going to see that person again--why say goodbye? It's just more of a prolonged see you later. Renewed my drivers license, my current one expires in a couple months. And I had my last dance performance last night. It was fun and went really well, I'm hoping to keep up dancing while I'm over there. I mean-I'm going to be in the place where the dance originated! I'm taking my dance shoes with me.
Changing subject: Since when is Christmas this week?! I think my mind has been so occupied with going to Ireland that everything else has blanked out. Christmas has totally snuck up on me, but that's okay because I love this season and the energy it brings.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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