Human by The Killers
(You should know this song... "Are we human, or are we dancers?" the past bit has been so incredibly awesome. I Love It!! We've been working on a hardshoe dance. We started out pretty basic. Then each week we've been taking a step and we make it harder. Last week we played around with one of the steps and went from one heel click to three. One in front, one in back, and one on the side as we switch feet. Plus I'm now pretty close to nailing the drum-rolls (or some people just call them rolls). Mindy and I love that step to bits and did it a ton. Now when we do it, all of our in-air heel clicks are synchronized and we hit them at the same time. SO fun!
This week had some good quotes I thought were kind of funny. Either they really are funny-or it was a "you-had-to-be-there" type of funny. Whatever the case, here they are:
(Talking about cramp-rolls)
LaRae: You all got that step, yeah? Okay. Now let's make it harder. *thinks, plays with some steps* Oh! Cramp-rolls!
*Confused looks from the class*
Me: That sounds. . . .uncomfortable. . .
(Talking about pull-backs)
LaRae: Michael Flatley does them all the time.
Me: I can't do them.
LaRae: If Michael Flatley can do them, you sure as heck can!
My response to that?:..okay..
*I'm not sure if the wordage is 100% but it's pretty close.
Lesson-if the teacher says you can do something, you can.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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