Bullet From A Gun by The Script
I know, I've been horrible at updating this. Mostly cause there's not much to update lately. And the people that read this, I'm guessing I talk to them a lot in "real life" that they don't have to keep updated on my life through the internet. But for any of you who follow this and I don't talk to often, I apologize.
My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came to visit the week before the 24th. It was so great to see them again!! I haven't seen them since Christmas, and my brother got time off approved so they were able to come down from Washington. I greatly enjoyed seeing them and hanging out with them.
One of the main things lately has been my ankle. About a month ago I was going down the stairs and my right ankle popped quite loud. Ever since then if it gets at too much of a dorsal or plantar flex, there's a good amount of pain that goes on there. So, before I continue dancing, I wanted to get it checked out by a doctor. I went to Advanced foot and Ankle, and Dr. S said that he thinks it's either the fluid capsule in my ankle is inflamed and pinched, or my extensor digiti minimi tendon (Which is what I thought it was before I went) is inflamed and strained. So he gave me a brace (which is similar to the one I'd been wearing since the incident) and heavy duty anti-inflammatories and a follow up appointment in 3 weeks. So far I can't tell much of a difference, but I did a little testing on my ankle today dancing and it seemed to hold up better than I was afraid it would. So keep your fingers crossed! Dr. Said as far as dance goes-as long as my foot/ankle will allow me to, I can do pretty much whatever I want. The strength in it seems fine, he's not worried about me rolling and spraining it. Just to know my limits and not overdo it.
I'll leave you with these thoughts: Pro/Con lists are only helpful if they aren't equal in numbers. If they are-prioritize which ones are more important. And: If you want something bad enough, you'll do everything you can to make it happen.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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