Holy crap, who knew that coming up with a single title to name my blog would be so mind-stretching. I tried to think of something creative that fits all of me. I originally thought of "So She Dances" because I love dancing, and the song by the uber fabulous Josh Groban is one of my dear favorites. Then I thought of "Dancing Through Life" (Wicked) but somehow those didn't seem to encompass all of me, just a part of it. Sure it covers dancing and music, but those aspects are only part of what makes me, me. So then I thought of an onion. Yes...an onion. Onions have lots of layers to them-as do I. But seriously--an onion? Now that's just doesn't sound very appealing! "An Onion Dancing Through Life" Sure, it's funny, but come on, an onion? Surely I could do better than that. So then I started thinking of things with layers---lasagna, the earth, lettuce heads, rainbow jello...then it hit me. A Rose. Roses have layers (kinda), they're pretty (I like to think I am sometimes), they are versatile, delicate, make people feel good and loved..so there ya go. And I'm Irish and it means a lot to me. There's a traditional Irish song called "My Wild Irish Rose". So, "A Wild Irish Rose Dancing Through Life" is the title of this blog. Who knew it could hold so much meaning.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
Haha Stacy Jo I love you! And the image of an onion dancing cracks me up.
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