Alright. So-things have been going Really well for me the past couple weeks. And they've flown by. Mid-terms were last week, and I am glad to report that I flew through them and passed all of them fabulously. The actual Massaging is going well too. Today I worked on my teacher and she was feeling quite lovely by the time I was done with her. I think it's amazing how I've fallen into Massage Therapy-and how much I've learned, how at ease I am with it and how much it just fits. Everything is just working out and I am doing something I love, and feel really good about- and apparently I'm amazing. Or-at least-the people I've worked on have said so. And I can help people in more ways then I ever imagined possible. I keep thinking how shocking it is that I am in my 7th week and still haven't had a bad day. Or how it feels like I just started and I'm almost done with my first quarter. I keep waiting for something to go wrong-or to not feel accomplished at the end of a day/week and it just hasn't happened. And I hope I don't jinx it by admitting it. Plus-going to the school I do, there are a lot of really intuitive people there (practically all of us going there are abnormally intuitive), and so that does make it hard to disguise my unpleasant emotions if I am a little less happy than normal. And-an unforeseen benefit of going there is everybody is so willing to help you! My back (not my sciatic, thankfully) has been hurting since yesterday after church. My anatomy teacher put my on the table, stretched my spine and was able to pick out exactly where was tight and what hurt. He got into the parts that needed to work and I left school today in no pain and was able to get up without hurting. I could gush about this subject for a while, so I think I'll just end it there.
My Colton flew to Washington today, and I sended him a box which I'm betting was waiting for him at the mission home. I wish I could have seen his face when they gave it to him. My Tim leaves for his mission in a few weeks as well, he is going to be an amazing missionary. (Then all my boys are gone, except for Moe, he'll never leave me.) My Joe hit his 18 month mark yesterday, so he'll be coming home in about 6 months-which is way exciting.
Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, but A-don't know how, and 2- don't know what? That's how I'm feeling. I've been in a writing drought lately and it's making me sad. Because I could honestly sit at this here computer for hours and just type my fingers away--if I had but something to write about. Which I used to be filled with subjects and such to explore, but I'm kind of out now. I want to write something powerful. Whether it be lovingly sweet, adorably kind, or beautifully depressing. I've just about exhausted my basis for things to write about-so if anyone can give me ideas or a list or something-I'd be appreciative cause I'm running dry.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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