Well, the long weekend was glorious.
Saturday I went tubing/boating with a bunch of girls from dance. I love being with my dance girls. It was lots of fun. I'm sure I can safely speak for all of us when I say it was a great day, thanks Aly! You are the best.
Sunday I decided to trek up to Logan to see Tim and my old roommate Jacki, and my friend Jenny. It was a good day! I loved every minute of it. From chatting with Jenny, to walking through the cemetery with Jenny and Tim, to getting attacked in the cemetery by a sudden onset of the storm, to walking through the rain and puddles with Jacki and Jenny, to baking a cake and watching Hitch with Jacki, to discussing hand holding and trying out different ways of holding hands with Tim. The drive back was way way dark and kind of creepy-especially through the canyon after the storm, and being one of less than 30 other cars on the road. Luckily it didn't start to be stormy again until I was in Centerville. I got home at almost midnight. Then I texted and chatted with Shane for about an hour, and we were both falling asleep so we called it a night.
Yesterday was an incredibly lazy day. I got a phone call that was a "wrong number"...I'm wondering if it was really a wrong number. Moe came over and we hung out, watched a T.V. show and had a marvelous time. (OH P.S.!- Lindsay so kindly reminded me that I forgot....) Morgan and I cuddled and held hands, as did Moe also have his arm around Linds. We're such a close loving group...and then Morgan had to leave and go to bed. So after he left-Lindsay and I had cake batter and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with mozzarella sticks (Not together....and blame our hormonal state.) and watched an awesome movie by the name of "Just Like Heaven". And drove around listening to really great female empowering songs by Pink mostly. It was quite an enjoyable evening for all parties involved I'm sure.
Today when I got back from school there was a cute little bunny in our yard. It was so cute and little, it was tan with a fluffy white tail. Now I want a bunny.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
You failed to mention the mass cuddle fest with you, Moe, and me. and our lovely cravings for Just Like Heaven, ice cream, and mozzarella sticks. :D
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