I'm so excited for winter...mmm...winter. It's my favorite season. I love waking up after it's snowed and everything is blanketed in peaceful, white snow. Joe told me (before he left) that when he wakes up after the first snowfall, he'll go walk slowly around his house outside barefoot...while that's a great thing to do; and he can handle the stinging cold under his feet- I'd probably get frostbite. So I appreciate snow a little differently.
Plus, Christmas is in winter. I love Christmas. Mostly because I see my family a ton with Thanksgiving and Christmas being a month apart- and there's some family birthdays.
Another thing is-of course-the music. I love Christmasy music. But not the "traditional" same-old music. I love the Forgotten Carols, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Manheim Steamroller, Jon Schmidt also has gorgeous and fabulous Christmas music.
Thanksgiving was yesterday. We went to my grandparents here in Bountiful. It was a pretty good day, even though my siblings weren't there. After eating, me and my cousins Shane and Kevin and my cousin-in-law Micah played croquet. Croquet-while fun- is not something that should be done in heels. Running around a grass yard in heels makes your feet hurt pretty quick.
I can't wait for snow- it's coming...I can tell.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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