Well, Christmas is over. All in all it was a great Christmas this year- despite that my brother and his wife weren't around to celebrate with the whole family. I think that's why it didn't feel like Christmas until we were all in Ogden doing the tradition thing-but they still weren't there. There was a hole, at least for me anyways.
On the gift front-I received and unexpected package from my Joseph in Switzerland. I got a massage table, some clothes, DVD's and some jewelery.
My sister and Jarmo are leaving tomorrow to go back to Houston.
My uncle, Tony, announced that he's getting baptized! It's way exciting and we're all congregating down in Lake Havisu City, Arizona on January 10 and my cousin Michael is going to baptize him.
My Heidi was in a car crash on Saturday, she and her mom actually. They're alright- it could have been a lot worse than it was. Heidi's mom has a wicked sprained and bruised ankle-not broken. Heidi has a concussion. She was actually speaking a lot better than I expected cause when I had my concussion I was not speaking near as good as Heidi. They both have bruises, and burns from the chemicals with the air bags. I was with Heids for a couple hours Saturday night and by the time I left, she was looking a lot better than when I got there.
And, I have officially danced a hole in the bottom of my hardshoes...now I need duct tape.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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