The past couple weeks have been incredibly busy and stressful and frustrating- and amongst it all, I have to admit that I enjoyed most of it. I have been incredibly productive and accomplishing so much in many areas. Plus, getting caught up in the rushed chaos that has been my life is both exhausting and satisfying. My life has been consumed of bouncing straight from school, to work, to clinic, to dance (at the studio-or in my basement), then crashing on my bed only to wake up shortly after to continue the hectic cycle all over again. Happily.
My moments of peace and relaxation take place on Wednesdays (possibly my busiest day of every week) when after dance my dance girls and I would go get hot chocolate (which usually never fully consists of hot chocolate) and talk about the most random of subjects, laughing at said random subjects, and I really just enjoy their company for many reasons. For one: they're not drama like some of my friends have been. For two: we can be candidly explicit with each other. For three: there's no judgment that takes place in our little group. And, they're just awesome to be around. I could go on about why I love dance, and the wonderful friends I've made in class..but I won't. I'm sure they'll appreciate this little spiel about them. :)
Another fabulous thing that has happened to me, I was finally reunited with my first ever best friend for the first time in 11 years. She moved to Washington right after 3rd grade and we kept in touch through letters, rare phone calls, and lately- emails and text messages. She moved back to Utah recently and we were able to see each other again on Tuesday. It was so refreshing to see her and to hang out again. I'm still amazed that after 11 years of being apart, we have kept in touch and have stayed close. And we vowed not to wait 11 years until we're 31 to see each other again.
Clinic is going great. I have worked on a wide variety of ages, occupations, etc. From 17 to 82, from student, to teacher, to waitress, to flight attendant, to chef, to a football linebacker. It's really fun and I've learned a lot so far.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
Oh my sweet little Stacy.
Tell them. Tell them what we talk about...
That's right. We're awesome and we talk about poop.
I also look forward to Wednesday because of how much fun we have. I am so so so excited for the St. Patty's parade!!
Haha, Kiramey, we talk about more than poop! But poop has been a topic the past two weeks.. and yes, we are way awesome.
And the St. Patty's day stuff is going to rock!
What are you girls talking about? I would never talk about such a disgusting thing over dinner and hot chocolate.
Wow, I'm glad that you don't think that we are dramatic. Drama sucks. Drama is for high school students and for people who are stuck in high school.
I'm glad you love us so much Stace! We are pretty cool! There are a lot of people who want to be a part of the cool club, but very few people can be :)
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