Hidden Away by Josh Groban (
I talked to my brother yesterday, and it came up that I don't update my blog very much-so before I head to work, I'm doing to update my blog. :)
I entered an Irish Dance photo contest, and out of the 100+ entries, mine was picked in the finals-so, please go to this website, and vote for me to win. :D Pretty please. It's picture number 6, "Let the music take you away"
Many thanks!
I'm also in love with Barnes and Noble. I think my heaven looks something like a Barnes and Noble Bookstore. I could spend forever in there. Especially the one in SugarHouse. That one is Huge!! I got onto their website also, and was able to get two CD's I have not been able to find- Hopefully they get here soon cause it's been a week since I've ordered them and I'm getting impatient.
If you haven't listened to Natalie MacMaster before-please, do so today. Because she's great. (One of her CD's is one that I'm waiting for to come in the mail.) Volcanic Jig is one I'm choreographing a dance to myself. Julia's Waltz is almost heartbreakingly beautiful and calm. David's Jig/Valerie Pringle's Reel would be another fun one to dance to-I'll work on it when I'm done with Volcanic Jig. The Sunday Reel-The Old Ladywood Reel is fun also. Gah-Just go-now-listen and love.
Josh Groban is coming out with a new CD in November-and it's about Freaking Time! I heard a song from it, and I am going to love this album. I can tell. :D
My dear friend Colton got home from his Mission in Washington, I haven't seen him yet due to he's on vacation with his family until Monday (I think it's Monday). I have missed this kid dearly. He, Elise, and I need a scooter, cheese-fries and hot chocolate date to reunite our marvelous trio. Maybe some random picture taking again..last time worked out well..I'll post pictures from it when I get home from work cause I'm running out of time.
Speaking of running out of time and Missions-Tim is now in his last transfer! YAY! I'm so excited for him to come home from Washington. Though..he'll probably go to 'Bama for that is where his family lives now instead of Cali. I wonder when I'll get to see him. . . . ? Hmm..
So-redoing my room apparently was a bigger project than I had anticipated. heh....I'm still working on it. I had to take a break when I got so sick-but now that I've gone a week and a half without a gall-attack, I think (I hope) I've figured out how to take care of this dear little organ so it will stop getting mad.
On that note-I plead you all to take care of your gallbladders (those of you who still have them). Because it is NOT pleasant when they get sick.
And now I have to go to work. K, Bye.
(More to come after work.)
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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