Steal Away by Celtic Thunder
So-today being September 11, pretty much everyone knows what happened this day 9 years ago. It's amazing how fresh it still seems to be. It's one of those moments everyone knows where they were, what they were doing when they heard what happened in New York. I was getting ready for school when my sister comes running up the stairs and said a plane hit one of the trade towers (she heard it on the radio I think) so we turned on the T.V. just in time to see the second one hit. I remember being confused about what was happening, and at school we really didn't do too much that day-we all watched the news in our classrooms. I was 12 years old-so I knew somewhat the impact that day made on the world. It doesn't seem like it was 9 years ago to me.
Here's some pictures for your enjoyment, from a few years ago.
As you can see-we're a tad weird. . .but we have fun. And I love us.
Alright-off to continue working on my room.. I'm mostly done; just a few more projects to finish, and then pull it all together.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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