So, I've been thinking. Which can be dangerous and get me way too stressed out, but this time it's been kind of an eye-opener. Bringing to light things that I've been hearing throughout my entire schooling but never really understood the magnitude of what my teachers have been saying; I've don't think I've ever fully grasped, understood, and started to apply said knowledge until just these past couple weeks. So with all these thoughts going in my head, I figured I'd jot them down for you to read. Hopefully it makes sense. I'm just gonna type and post.
We create our own conditions. We sustain our circumstances. On some level, we've brought upon ourselves the experiences and positions we find ourselves in every day. Whether you believe it or not, it's true. Granted- there are things that are out of our control. I could not stop that guy from abusing me just like you could not stop that car from crashing. But I can choose to either take abuse and blame it on myself, and act like a victim; or rise above it and overcome what happened to me. You can set your intent on how you heal from and auto crash. You can hold onto whatever injuries you may have acquired and play the victim card and pull for attention and/or pity from others, or you can realize that there is health and a full recovery. It's all how you perceive it.
Each of us, every human being, has the ability to heal ourselves. If something happens and you don't truly want to recover from it, then you won't. But if you have the drive, and determination to recover and triumph over it, your body and spirit will account for that and you will. People that claim to be stuck with something, or constantly "holding onto" something will get just that.
There are instances of course where one can't do it on their own. That is where a healer comes into play. A healer is someone who can listen to your body, and assist in the healing process. I'm not just saying this because it makes for a good topic. I truly believe it and have had personal experiences to back me up.
I've been through of some pretty rotten situations, and they have truly left me somewhat inhibited. Starting last week, I have realized how powerful I am in healing myself and releasing the traumas of my life. Truly allowing myself to literally rise above it and be able to move on. It's quite liberating.
Also, I've watched my cousin as he went through what I believe to be a quite damaging form of Hell. He was in an extremely serious car crash and is a living miracle. I watched as his determination to live pulled him towards health. I witnessed his positive attitude and will to get better. I stood by him in awe at his recovery which was far faster than anyone ever expected. For him to be alive today is truly a witness to me. He was ready to move on as soon as he came out of his coma. He was determined not to let it hold him back. He wanted everything to go back to normal and worked hard to make it happen. If anyone had the right to pull the card, he did. But he didn't. He's made the best of everything, and he's my hero.
So if you tell me that you're "stuck with" something, or play a victim card for a prolonged period of time; pardon me if I don't believe you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We create it...
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:56 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So, last week was absolutely fabulous and this weekend was amazing.
I started my clinic so I am now working on "the public". With appointments and clients and all that jazz, I must say- I love it. I am so fired up and in love with it all over again, I have the ability to truly help people still; even though I'm not going into Social Work anymore (But may go back too). Being able to help people and help heal them and help them feel good is great. Although I find that not eating all day and doing massages, I am hungry at the end of the day. haha.
My classes for this quarter are awesome. Study of the Spine, Shiatsu, Trigger Point, SER (Somato Emotional Release), Spinal Touch, Tuina, Clinic, and Sports Massage. Sweet!
I went to Arizona this weekend, my uncle got baptized-it was spectacular and a seriously great weekend. My cousin, Michael (16, almost 17) was able to baptize him. He torqued his back lifting weights a few days beforehand, luckily I happened to bring massage cream with me (because I'm a nerd like that) and I worked on him for a while, and he was able to move and not have pain in his back and shoulders. That was cool to be able to work on him and see immediate relief and benefits.
.This is us in front of the London Bridge.
This is me and my Devaney.Devaney, Me, CJ, Nicole, Mom and Alyssa.
Jarmo, Coley, Tony, Allison, CJ, Alyssa, Michael, Me, Devaney, Gladys, Grandma and Mom and Dad outside the church in Havisu.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year
Happy New Year!!
Last night was a great night. I had three friends over- some of the best girls ever. And we just had a fun night!
We played Dance Dance Revolution, Super Mario 3, Drank some bubbly at midnight (Sparkling Burgundy, provided by Lindsay Rigby), Watched some Jeff Dunham and The Dark Knight. It really was a great night. I totally loved it.
So, 2009 came in quite nicely, I'm very interested in what's going to happen this year. I've got a couple boys coming home from missions this year, I'll graduate and be licensed in Massage Therapy and have a career, continue on and progress with dance. To name a few. I'm excited, nervous, kind of scared, and hoping it'll be a great year.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:11 PM 3 comments