So, last week was absolutely fabulous and this weekend was amazing.
I started my clinic so I am now working on "the public". With appointments and clients and all that jazz, I must say- I love it. I am so fired up and in love with it all over again, I have the ability to truly help people still; even though I'm not going into Social Work anymore (But may go back too). Being able to help people and help heal them and help them feel good is great. Although I find that not eating all day and doing massages, I am hungry at the end of the day. haha.
My classes for this quarter are awesome. Study of the Spine, Shiatsu, Trigger Point, SER (Somato Emotional Release), Spinal Touch, Tuina, Clinic, and Sports Massage. Sweet!
I went to Arizona this weekend, my uncle got baptized-it was spectacular and a seriously great weekend. My cousin, Michael (16, almost 17) was able to baptize him. He torqued his back lifting weights a few days beforehand, luckily I happened to bring massage cream with me (because I'm a nerd like that) and I worked on him for a while, and he was able to move and not have pain in his back and shoulders. That was cool to be able to work on him and see immediate relief and benefits.
.This is us in front of the London Bridge.
This is me and my Devaney.Devaney, Me, CJ, Nicole, Mom and Alyssa.
Jarmo, Coley, Tony, Allison, CJ, Alyssa, Michael, Me, Devaney, Gladys, Grandma and Mom and Dad outside the church in Havisu.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
What, no pigeon pics?
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