Happy New Year!!
Last night was a great night. I had three friends over- some of the best girls ever. And we just had a fun night!
We played Dance Dance Revolution, Super Mario 3, Drank some bubbly at midnight (Sparkling Burgundy, provided by Lindsay Rigby), Watched some Jeff Dunham and The Dark Knight. It really was a great night. I totally loved it.
So, 2009 came in quite nicely, I'm very interested in what's going to happen this year. I've got a couple boys coming home from missions this year, I'll graduate and be licensed in Massage Therapy and have a career, continue on and progress with dance. To name a few. I'm excited, nervous, kind of scared, and hoping it'll be a great year.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
Were you and Lindsay, and Carolyn and Lindsay matching on purpose? Looks a whole lot more exciting than our night!
It had better be or I'm gonna be pissed....haha!!
Haha! Exactly. :)
Coley, No actually- we didn't plan that, it just happened that way, crazy...we were all on the same brain wave.
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