The Show by Lenka
My dentist adventure went okay. They didn't use any form of sedation though..dumb. Just numbed me up real good and pulled out my top right wisdom tooth. Because it was all the way grown in it wasn't bad. With my next one-it's still under the gum so I'm wanting them to give me something else besides just numbing. They didn't put in any stitches either so I've just got a hole. I bled for longer than I thought I would so not only did my mouth hurt-but it tasted like blood. Yummy...
That's pretty much all I did this week. Haha.
In the morning I'm going camping with my family (well..the ones that are in Utah anyways..). I'm way excited, we haven't gone for a while. This is going to be a fantastic adventure.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
Wisdom teeth extraction is how I got the Chippi nickname....
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