From the Back of A Broken Dream by Flogging Molly
Here I am. It's been a while..I know. But with Summer quickly ending and last minute vacations, projects and what ever else was happening; this blog wasn't really on the top of my list of things to do. I know. Shocking. Oh well.
Also, I have re-done the template as well as my music list. I've just been in the mood to change everything. Which I must admit has served me quite well. I love it all.
I've blondified my hair. Painted my room. I think my room project is pretty much done. It looks really good. I took a day with my friend Elise and we painted my room and talked while blasting music and getting high off of paint fumes. It was a fantastic day.
Two weeks ago, my cousin Shane invited me along on an adventure. He and his roommates were building a boat. So I documented the excursion with my trusty camera. It was such a good day. It took pretty much all day to build. Then after loading it in the back of Tom's pickup truck, headed out to the Great Salt Puddle (formerly known as a Lake) to launch the "boat" that ended up looking more like a barge.To our almost astonishment, it floated. (But then again, what doesn't float in a body of water that's like 7x saltier than the ocean?) With one person it still floated. With two people in it, it mostly floated...and three people there was no floating. After fighting with the bugs for a bit we decided we were done and ran back to the cars. The bugs were AWFUL. And for some reason, they really like me. And it doesn't matter how much repellent I wear, I can bathe in the stuff and the mosquitoes will still get to me. I must be really sweet or something. But it's freaking annoying. We got back into Reg (my cousins Commander) itching and freaking out. I've never wanted to scratch off my skin so badly before in my life. We were bitten all over. Face, neck, arms, legs...these nasty little blood-suckers were relentless. So the next day I was curious as to how many bites I had, on ONE ARM I counted an annoying 25 bites. Then I decided to stop counting. I did not want to know the grand total anymore.
To make it even better...I'm allergic to mosquito bites. I have bad reactions to them. It's ridiculous. My arms didn't react too terrible, but my legs suffered severely. I had one bite in particular on my left leg that had a reaction like I've never seen before. It looked horrid. Like I got run over by a truck, or someone poured Acid on my leg, or contracted gangrene or something. This picture was taken three days after and it still looked awful. (The picture doesn't do it justice.) Yes, folks, that pretty little thing is from a mosquito bite. It's a pink color now, but I never want to get bit again. And when I get to create my own world-mosquitoes will not be invited. They serve NO good purpose!
So, all in all, boat-great idea. Great Salt Lake- Worst Idea Ever!!!
Next week my bed-ridden sister and her Muppet-filled stomach, and Jarmo are coming to Utah for a visit. Should be pretty exciting to see how her tummy has grown since I was in Texas visiting them. Hopefully her Doctor will give her the okay to travel since she's been on bed rest for the past couple weeks.
Well, I think that's all the updating for today. There's a couple other things going on but I'm not sure if I should talk about it here yet..if I change my mind, I'll let you know.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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