Everybody's Someone by Brian McFadden and LeeAnn Rimes
Well, life goes on, and it's all good. Last Monday I was in the process of writing my Tim a letter, I hadn't heard from him in a while. The beginning of my letter was reminding him of something we had talked about before he left on his mission. When I got done writing the first bit, I checked my e-mail. Right there, just minutes old in my inbox, was an e-mail from Tim. It was very surprising. So I read it, and hurried and e-mailed him back just to say hi. We e-mailed back and fourth a couple times, and then went on with our day. But that made my week. We must have been connected at that moment, for us to write each other at the same time, talking about the same thing. It was weird, and way cool.
My friend Drew came home from his mission and his homecoming was yesterday. It was way fun to see him and some old friends from high school again. Weird. But fun. It was a good day.
My grandpa Lynch's sister and her daughter were out here last week from Boston to judge the Crossroads Feis in Provo. Ann and Nancy. It was fun to meet them now (if I'd met them earlier in my life, I was too young to remember it). It was fun to meet people from my "Irish" side of the family.
Next week over Halloween Weekend, my friend Carolyn and I are going to venture to southern Utah. Our friend Katie got married and she and her husband have settled in St. George. So next week, Carolyn and I are going to go see our Katie. It's going to be fun.
Well, I think the cat's out of the bag...it's been killing me not to talk about it on here or on Facebook. I wanted to get adjusted and such before saying anything about it. I am no longer with Crawford School of Irish Dance. Which I'm both happy and sad about. Sad because I really loved dancing with the Crawford Adults, and I'll miss dancing with them. Happy because I've found a place that its better for me and fits what I want and need out of dance so much better. I am now with LaRae's Dance Unlimited. She's put me in with her performance group, Celtic Beat. I had my first performance with them last weekend. It was crazy, but so much fun. It's so good to be at a place where your dancing evolves and improves pretty much every week. Always learning something new. Dancing for longer than 45 seconds at a time (my dances now are at least 3 times longer). Dances that are more complicated and (in my mind) harder than the level I was stuck at with Crawford for over a year. It's almost half the money a month, and I get to go twice a week. So half the money and double the studio time. Anyways...that's enough of that. Bottom line...I'm with a new Irish Dance group and I love it.
Well, I'm off...I have to go buy canvases for to paint on.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
Stacy, we are going to miss you! But LaRae's seems like a better fit for you since you don't compete. Let me know when your next performance is. I would love to come and watch. I really wish I would have gone to the last performance, but if I had gone I probably would have been a little shocked to see you there dancing since I didn't know you changed schools.
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