Come What May from Moulin Rouge
------Sung by Ewan McGregor; Nicole Kidman
This is the story of The Baking of Famous Mrs. Fields Cookie Adventure With My Mother: It all started with washing my hands. A very important thing to do when cooking. The faulty soap dispenser decided to squirt all over. It got all up my arm, my shirt...and into my hair. Foam hand soap in your hair feels quite weird. Once all the ingredients were in the bowl, the next adventure began. Mixing the dough was messier than usual, little cookie dough spotlets decorated the island. Then, the last thing to add was the chocolate chips. My mom was getting out a spoon to mix in the chocolate chips, and the problematic silverware drawer got locked in the "out" position and wouldn't go back in for a few minutes. Then in mixing the chocolate chips in, the bowl may or may not have been a tad bit too small in which case overflowing chocolate chips. Then a hunt for all the runaway chocolate chips ensued. All was well after that. I'm not normally a messy and clumsy baker, I promise. Actually, I'm quite good at baking and things so I don't know what was up with today. But it was fun nonetheless. And the cookies are delicious! (As they always are.) Needless to say the whole experience left me feeling humored and in need of a shower.
I was successful in my search to become an AuPair in Ireland. I will be starting my grand adventure on Monday, December 28th. I'm quite excited and eagerly (and- I'll be the first to admit, nervously) anticipate all that will come my way while I'm over there. But the family I'll be with sounds fantastic. I've been e-mailing with the mom every day. More details to come as I feel like sharing.
It's supposed to snow this weekend...I am extremely excited. Though, pretty little white sparkly pieces of heaven have yet to float down from the sky. I know some of you out there do not share my love for pretty snowflakes, and to you I say, I do not care what you think. It's winter, snow comes with the territory. Deal with it. But it is almost the end of November- and outside, my grass is not covered in a beautiful white blanket. Nothing is. Which brings me to ask: Dear Universe, Where is my snow??
Well, I've got to go finish baking, do my laundry, and maybe possibly run a bit depending on how tired my body is today.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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