The Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners
This past weekend was awesome. It was so fun to go with Carolyn down to St. George to see Katie. We had a bunch of fun. The coolest park I'd ever been to is in St. George. We seriously need one of those kind up my way. It had all these toys that were like nothing anywhere else. Teeter-totter swings, spinny buckets that get you more dizzy than anything, these twisty things you stand on and using your body weight and momentum you spin and spin and spin and spin and spin and...yeah. Way fun. Rock walls to climb. Basically way fun. Thanks Katie and John for awesome food and fun.
So, being a licensed massage therapist looking for a job...I've been coming up with other plans of what I want to do with my immediate future. I love massage and will continue that as my career- but I think before I hunker down and get attached to a job I want to DO something. And this plan of what I want to do seems to change every month. Two months ago I was devoted to researching about moving to Ireland for a bit. What paperwork I'd need, forms, etc. Just to see how hard it would be. And I LOVE that idea. And then last month the plan changed a little to going to teach English in Russia for a few months. Which I still like the idea of-but the plan has changed yet again. And I like this one best of all. Being an Au Pair in Ireland. I love the thought of joining a family, living with them, helping take care of the kids and house and whatever is needed. This way I can go see Ireland (which, as you know has been a major dream of mine) and help people (which is what I love to do) and pretty much immerse myself in it. I think my parents are more open to this idea- Russia didn't go over so well...but au pair seems to get a better response. I hope it works out.
My mom bought a costume for our kitty, the first year we've ever had a costume for him-and he's like 15 years old.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
what, no pictures of this wonderful trip?
I'll be putting those up on Facebook.
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