The Strangest Things by Radical Face
This is the story of just barely when I made part 1 of Mellow Jell-o for Thanksgiving dinner (which is tomorrow). Not much of a story, I made it quite nicely and think it will be tasty. But when I was going to get the eggs out of the fridge I managed to smack my left hand on the corner of the counter. Instantly turning red, welting, and changing color. Now my base knuckle (the PIP joint) of my pointer and middle finger have a lovely bruis-y tender spot on them, a weird purple line thingie going in between the two...could be the vein or something...I don't know. Either way-it hurts. Though, I will admit, I'm enjoying cooking and the adventures and things that come along with it. I'm glad that I get to cook more.
Speaking of cooking on to making Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes (from scratch) for dinner. :)
I'm going to stop typing now because typing hurts! Stupid counter getting in the way of my hand..maybe I should go track down some ice to put on it.
Happy Turkey Day tomorrow. Everyone be happy and thankful for everything you have, I know I am.
(I'd be even More happy if I could get some more snow....I'm jus' sayin'.)
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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