The Inferno from The Divine Comedy
"And when, with gladness in his face, he placed his hand upon my own, to comfort me, he drew me in among the hidden things. Here sighs and lamentations and loud cries were echoing across the starless air, so that, as soon as I set out, I wept. Strange utterances, horrible pronouncements, accents of anger, words of suffering, and voices shrill and faint, and beating hands-all went to make tumult that will whirl forever through that turbid, timeless air, like sand that eddies when a whirlwind swirls." [Dante, as he enters the Gates of Hell. Canto III, Inferno]
Happy Halloween to all. I remember when my band played this song for one of our fall concerts. It was crazy to learn, but amazing when we pulled it off. Listen to this song, I get lost in the eerie beginning and haunting melodies that this composer was inspired to create. Sometimes I really miss band.
When you're feeling down, try what I did yesterday: Drink some root beer, watch Anne of Green Gables, and take a nap. No day is so bad that it can't be made at least a little better by a nap.
Now today, to help me hopefully continue to feel better-I will do some yoga. Run. Dance. ahh yes, endorphins. And then another Halloween party.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Inferno
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Open Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol
Um..Where did October go? It was pointed out to me today that this will be the last full week of October this year. This makes me sad. But, that means we're getting closer to winter. And that news thrills me.
Now, I know a lot of people do not like winter and are not looking forward to it. You can go ahead and blame me when it snows. I have people who already do. I'm fine with it. I'll save my reasons for why I love snow when it actually snows so stay tuned. In the meantime-watch this:
P.S. there's nothing funny about hitting your funny bone.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Dreams by The Cranberries
Had a new experience this week. A new sensation, perhaps. It starts with an A and rhymes with schmallergies. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I've managed 22.5 years without exposure to this inconvenient human experience. I also thought that since I made it 22.5 years, that I had missed out on the "allergy gene". Nevertheless; I am not a fan. To those of you who have been unfortunate enough to have been learning to cope with this biological phenomenon, I am sorry for your suffering.
<< That thing might have been helpful-except it wouldn't have been, really. Plus it would have looked a tad silly.
I cannot tell you how many times at work I have said, "I'm not sick, I promise, it's just allergies." Actually- I can. During every session. I felt I should preface my unpredictable sniffling and congested sounding voice before anyone got worried about contracting some sort of illness. But learned that my clients didn't care. And even sympathized with me. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's completely fine. I understand." And commenced to turn into lethargic putty as I massaged away.
In any event, when I get to create my own world-allergies will now add the list of things that will not be invited. Along with thunder+lightning and mosquitoes. (Speaking of the nasty, relentless, little blood suckers; I got a mosquito bite on my leg while I was practicing dance in my garage today. Boo.)
To you reading this, I have a question. Do you believe our dreams have meanings? Or are they just our brains way of keeping us entertained while we sleep? Because while I am subconsciously entertained by saxophones and giant tubas in one dream, I can't help but draw similarities to real life in hiding in a bathroom stall waiting for someone to find me, and being found by said person in another. So, is this whole dream thing just stuff and nonsense, or is there really some almost vision-like parallel?
Please, feel free to discuss..
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová
A new adventure will be coming to me next month. I will be doing my first Irish Dance Competition. On November 19, I will compete with a team (thank goodness!) at the Western US Oireachtas in Anaheim California. A regional competition. So not only will it be my first competition-it will be a regional competition. Not a local feis. This both excites and terrifies me. I just wish to do well for my team, and myself. This will give me a taste of the competition world, and see what it's all about. Yes, I have been dancing for a while now-but competing is something completely new. I'm just glad it's with a team, we'll give that a try. I'm not sure about solo competing yet.
Other than dancing (and work), life has been filled with bowling, laughing until I cried, baking a TARDIS cake, turning Voodoo into Tinkerbell into super birds, Holy cows into people worshiping dogs. Eye shadow into a magic carpet, and secret admirers into stalkers (only a few people will understand that last bit).
It's starting to turn into Autumn. Which is wonderful. And Winter will follow closely, which makes me even more excited.
I forgot how cathartic painting was (Not quite as good as the feeling of flying Irish Dance gives, but can hold its own ground), must paint more often. I even have my idea for my next piece.
I really really want to go play with my camera.
And horseback riding.
This weekend (and last weekend, too, for that matter) can be summed up in one word. Great. Hanging out with friends, painting, personal growth, lots of dancing (return of the evil dance blisters), being blessed to watch General Conference. Life is good.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:00 PM 0 comments