Dreams by The Cranberries
Had a new experience this week. A new sensation, perhaps. It starts with an A and rhymes with schmallergies. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I've managed 22.5 years without exposure to this inconvenient human experience. I also thought that since I made it 22.5 years, that I had missed out on the "allergy gene". Nevertheless; I am not a fan. To those of you who have been unfortunate enough to have been learning to cope with this biological phenomenon, I am sorry for your suffering.
<< That thing might have been helpful-except it wouldn't have been, really. Plus it would have looked a tad silly.
I cannot tell you how many times at work I have said, "I'm not sick, I promise, it's just allergies." Actually- I can. During every session. I felt I should preface my unpredictable sniffling and congested sounding voice before anyone got worried about contracting some sort of illness. But learned that my clients didn't care. And even sympathized with me. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's completely fine. I understand." And commenced to turn into lethargic putty as I massaged away.
In any event, when I get to create my own world-allergies will now add the list of things that will not be invited. Along with thunder+lightning and mosquitoes. (Speaking of the nasty, relentless, little blood suckers; I got a mosquito bite on my leg while I was practicing dance in my garage today. Boo.)
To you reading this, I have a question. Do you believe our dreams have meanings? Or are they just our brains way of keeping us entertained while we sleep? Because while I am subconsciously entertained by saxophones and giant tubas in one dream, I can't help but draw similarities to real life in hiding in a bathroom stall waiting for someone to find me, and being found by said person in another. So, is this whole dream thing just stuff and nonsense, or is there really some almost vision-like parallel?
Please, feel free to discuss..
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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