So I've been sick for over a week. And it's driving me nuts. It started with just an irritated throat. You know-that scratchy dry spot and no matter how many times you swallow it's still there. Then it progressed to make my voice work half the time and I cough and cough and cough and cough until I gag and can't breathe and sometimes throw up a little. And couldn't swallow all the way. And then my sinuses decided to play. I've missed a dance performance this week as well as my dance class. Unfortunately, no school has been missed due to it being the first of my two weeks of finals. But fortunately- my teachers either let me sleep or leave early when I'm done and I sit in the corner of the room away from everyone else so they don't get sick. So I sleep-wake up go to school and take finals (practically in my sleep-and still manage to get 100 or close to it) and come home and sleep some more. I can sleep just fine during the day, it's night sleeping that's causing frustration. I can't tell you how many time's I've woken up to massive coughing attacks. NOT Fun! But-health is on the horizon and I'd better be well by Saturday for a dance performance or I'm gonna be mega-ticked.
BUT I am reading a new book series- the House of Night novels by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast. I'm just on book one but I really like it. It's a vampyre book (that's how they spell it in the book: "Vampyre") Here's just a paragraph from the first chapter, I thought it was funny:
"Do vampyres play chess? Were there vampyre dorks? How about Barbie-like vampyre cheerleaders? Did any vampyres play in the band? Were there vampyre Emos with their guy-wearing-girl's-pants weirdness and those awful bangs that cover half their faces? Or were they all those freaky Goth kids who didn't like to bathe much? Was I going to turn into a Goth kid? Or worse, an Emo? I didn't particularly like wearing black, at least not exclusively, and I wasn't feeling a sudden and unfortunate aversion to soap and water, not did I have an obsessive desire to change my hairstyle and wear too much eyeliner."
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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