Not too much going on the past couple weeks, my birthday was last Sunday. It was pretty good, my roommate Jacki came and spent some time with me. It was snowing and she didn't want to drive Sardine Canyon in the snow at night (it's scary) so she stayed at my house. It was so good to see her again. I'm going to get a weekend where I can go up to Logan and hang out with my cousin, and with Jacki. I miss Logan a lot. Hopefully maybe this weekend.
I got a massage chair, so now I can do chair massages. It's a very comfortable chair. I also got new Hardshoes..they're pretty. Breaking them in is going to suck and my feet are going to die, but it's gonna be fun.
School is good, 7 weeks until graduation.
Here's a random sidenote: Don't you just love it when you wash some laundry (in this case it was my massage sheets), and when you go to fold them you notice they smell really familiar...and then you realize- That smells like an ex-boyfriend! He must have used the same laundry whenever you go to use whatever you washed (in my case it was my sheets..) all you can smell is the scent of an ex's during my clinic today I was smelling the scent of one of my ex-boyfriends.
Well, there's all the superficial stuff of things I don't care if the world knows for this update.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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