It's Saturday...Yesterday felt like Saturday because I didn't do now I get two Saturdays. I'm okay with that.
Wednesday the world was totally on my side. I was just about on empty-the gas light was going to go off any time. I decided to go to work, I'd get paid that day, and then I could deposit my check into my bank and then fill up. I hit all green lights all the way to work. I get to work and Larry (The guy I was working for) asked me to follow him up to Logan because he had to take the trailer up for the car show. He said he'd pay for my gas, and buy me food. Sweet I love to drive and I had wanted to drive somewhere for a while, so this was perfect. So I did. The break lights and turn signals on the trailer didn't work, and it wasn't registered. So I was a blind driver the whole way up to Logan (I didn't know where in Logan we were going, and with no was interesting, but fun.) Either way, I got a free full tank of gas-and a free meal at the FireHouse.
My appointment and the Renaissance School of Massage Therapy went really well, I got a really good feeling about that place. I liked it a lot. They're giving me the weekend to think about it and they'll call me on Monday to get my decision.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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