Well, last night was a welcomed night full of fun, laughter and relaxation with a bunch of friends. It started out as a volleyball game, then the sprinklers came on and that idea didn't work so well anymore, so we just laid on the grass and laughed and talked...mostly laughed. We're weird, yes, we know. But we love each other. Tegan, Me, Carolyn, Troy, Katie, Moe and Talia.
<-- Here's me and Morgan, and Katie.
Morgan loves me. :D --->
The girls.Well, there's some pictures for you. Some of my favorites. I love my friends, they're absolutely the best anyone could ask for. There's no better on the earth, of that I am pretty dang positive. They've always been right there when I need them, and we support and love each other endlessly. I don't think you could find a tighter group of people.
I think it's kind of funny though, how I get along with everybody, and am friends with everyone...but all my friends don't necessarily get along with each other, which makes it kind of hard when we want to get a big group together to do something...but I love them all anyways.
In case you're wondering, Elder Colton Davis Hattabaugh has been called to serve in the Washington, Tacoma mission. He will report to the MTC on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. I am so excited for him, but it's sad that he's actually finally leaving! But it's okay, we will write all the time and when he comes back, we're going to party it up in Ireland. :)
I got an e-mail from Elder Joseph Keeler this morning. He's doing well in Germany/Switzerland. It's so crazy to think he comes home in nine months...I am so excited to see him again.
Well, I think that's it for this post...more to come. Thanks for reading! Loves!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Those summer nights.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Update of sorts...
Well, I'm working back at Designs and Signs for the next week or so. Good news: I haven't even burned myself on the 400 degree press! But, the shirts and bags are really hot just off the press. Oh man...haha. Anyways....the chiropractor is helping with my pain.
I got an e-mail from Joe on Wednesday, it was short but sweet. 5 sentences and he made me cry--in a good way. I also got a letter from Andrew yesterday. I love hearing from my missionaries.
Tonight at 9pm a gathering will ensue at the Hattabaugh Hotel where many will surround Sir Colton as he opens his mission call. It's way exciting but sad at the same time. He's one of the last of my boys to go. It's going to be hard to send him off too, but it's alright, they may leave-but they come back.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Aighty, so, the official news on my diagnosis...L4 & L5 are out of place. My sacrum is tilted forward, my right hip is dropped, my sciatic nerve is inflamed and I have a knot in the dimple of my butt that's really tight and causing problems in my low back. (If you don't know what any of those things are, Google it, that's what I did. Ha ha) So, Dr. Knight is trying to fix me, and so far it seems to be working. Keep your fingers crossed. My pain has decreased- I can move now! Mainly now it's the motion of standing up and sitting down that freaks out at me.
I am still in wondering awe over Secondhand Serenade and their *fabulous* concert last Wednesday...hmm... :)
Friday, I went to a party at Colton's house, it was so good to see/talk to old friends again. I missed them. We haven't seen each other in forever but that didn't put any distance between us.
Saturday, I was hanging out with Moe, and met his cousin, Matt, and then we ended up going hot tubing at Matt's place. Pretty fun.
Well, that's 'bout it. I'm still alive, and trying to stay that way with everything that's going on; good and bad.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's been a few days, but eventful days nonetheless. Tuesday I went to a chiropractor for my back, he took x-rays and nothing "too serious" showed up...that's a good thing, right? My right hip is dropped and something is tilted forward...and my sciatica is inflamed. Fun! No. Pain. So I've been every day since, because it keeps slipping back, I have to go back today. Next week he said we'll start skipping days. I just hope it will help. The pain is almost paralyzing...that's how much it hurts. No words can explain it...but I am trying to keep a good outlook and positive attitude that it won't last forever.
Last night, Heidi and I went to the Secondhand Serenade concert...oh my flip. I am in love. Even more than I was. Some bands don't sound good live, but they were amazing-they sounded like them. And their drummer was awesome. They basically just rocked all around. They're coming back in August...I so want to go.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
I have returned
Hello all, I'm back from what has been quite the interesting week/end. Logan was fun, Heidi and I stayed with Tim. Firehouse Pizzeria is absolutely fantastic. Saturday I got to hang out with my very fabulous Carolyn. It was a lovely reunion with drinks (which is always a given when you get me and Carolyn together), laughing and some good conversation. Church was pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary to mention there. I had an interesting dream last night, when I woke up it made me a little sad because I haven't seen the friend that was the focus of that dream (although never actually made an appearance in said dream) for a while.
For reasons that have yet to be explained, my "nerve irritation" on the right side of the base of my twisted spine has decided that it hates me, again; therefore acting up again causing me great amounts of pain. Probably the worst sense of physical pain ever invented. Aside from childbirth I'm guessing but, they give you drugs so you don't feel the pain! Either way, it sucks. It sucks and it hurts. A lot. It's the main nerve that also goes through your butt and down your leg. Therefore my whole leg gets affected. I've already got nerve damage down my leg that's slowly repairing itself. You can't really massage the pain away because it's too deep, heat helps-mildly-sometimes. Using ice to freeze it just makes it spaz out. I've tried tons of different things to try and fix it. Sometimes I think it would feel a lot better if someone would shoot it and make it go away. It's not just "Irritated"...it's freaking pissed off. Causing an abnormally large pain preventing me from moving. So I curl up in a ball hoping to relieve it just a little and that doesn't work. So I try to stretch out but that makes it worse. So I decide to freeze, hoping it will calm down but to no avail. For how little nerves are...they sure can cause a lot of pain. You have no idea the magnitude of the pain until you've felt it, and I hope you never do.
Arguing with yourself never gets you anywhere except for making you really frustrated. That's what I learned last night. That and I've recently become a fan of Golden Girls. It is way funny, I remember watching it with my grandpa and great-grandma in St. George a couple years ago. I've also decided that their relationships and personalities parallel that of mine and three of my best friends. Call me Dorothy.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Well Well...
Life has a funny way of suddenly dumping on you. But whatever, I can handle it...at least I hope I can. Tuesday night was not a very good night. Things happened that I'm grateful for yet at the same time I wish it never happened. It's getting fixed though. Yesterday I was sick, so I didn't go to work. And I didn't go do dance. I basically just stayed in bed. I woke up, decided there was no way I was going anywhere. Went back to bed. I woke up at 2 in the afternoon. Then took another nap. My brother came and talked to my mom for 4 hours...not sure how it went. I stayed downstairs. These past two days have been really tough. I figured if these things were all happening at different times I might be able to handle them...but having to face them all at once is wearing me thin. People are turning out to be other than what I initially perceived they were. I think I know some individuals and then they surprise me. My faith and trust has been shaken and I'm not sure who I can trust anymore. And considering the status of my trust in the first place---this is beyond scary for me. Funny how one event can change so much...
Today is the day Heidi and I return to Logan. I am so happy about that. It will most definitely be a mighty adventure-like things always are. I love being up in Logan, with my Logan people. I love all my people actually...
I woke up to Jimmy Eat World, May Angels Lead You In playing in my head this morning. Great song, love it. I updated my music list, so feel free to take a gander through it. Wonderful songs on there.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Yes, I do realize the subject is half-capitalized...it's sposed to be that way. For Dramatic affect.
Dance last night was absolutely wonderful. We started learning an 8-hand figure, and Aly taught me more of the Double Jig. When dance was over I picked up Rina on my way home and we hung out in my room and talked for a couple hours, then I took her home. Today I am sitting at work-very frustrated with the e-mail system because my roommate Jacki e-mailed the resume I had saved on her computer to me twice and I haven't received either e-mails. And it's been like two hours. So odds are I'll just end up typing yet another stupid resume. I just met my brother-in-laws (Jason) brother Jack. He just returned from his mission. Their family is going to Houston on Friday to see Jason and my sister Nicole. I wish they would take me with them. However, I am returning to Logan on Thursday afternoon and coming home Friday night. It will be a welcome and exciting adventure, I'm sure. Not sure where Heidi and I are going to stay just yet...but I've got friends that will let us stay with them.
"I listen to these songs that remind me of you...and wonder if any of it was true." That's been the thought going through my head regarding some things and situations lately. I don't want to go into specifics but the general point is---keep your promises.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Eventful Weekend
Well Saturday ended up being an interesting day. I went to lunch with my brother and his fiancee, and hung out with them for a while. My mom decided-for absolutely no reason-that I shouldn't be with them anymore and called me home. Which, okay, I don't even understand at all...but honestly. He's my brother. Even if their relationship is screwed doesn't mean mine has to be. Needless to say I was very upset. My mother isn't even making sense with her "reasons" for acting how she is. I think she needs to take a step back and see how she's acting and what it's doing to the rest of the family, and especially to me... I came home and went straight to the basement without talking to anybody and there I stayed. I kept getting random text messages from various people until 1:30am when somewhere amongst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling around in my brain, I must have slipped into sleep.
Sunday morning I woke up with My Chemical Romance, "I'm Not Okay" in my head. So true. I had received a text from Heidi saying she was kidnapping me and taking me to Logan. No excuses. I was so relieved. I got up and went to church. The testimony meeting had a common theme: "God knows you, He knows all about you, He knows what you're going through and He will never leave you." Which is what I needed to hear, and I completely believe that without a doubt-but then I also think, "If God knows everything, then why is He letting this happen? Why is He letting things be the way they are right now?..."
After church Heidi and I ventured up to Logan. We went and found Tim, I missed that boy so much. We gave each other a big hug and I was so happy to just be around him again. We went into his townhouse where we just talked. It was so refreshing. I saw my old roommate Jacki, who practically dove onto the couch and latched her arms around me. Then Heidi and I went up Logan canyon with my cousin Shane (whose Birthday is today) and some of his friends for a Birthday BBQ. Then we went back to Tim's for a little bit, then came home at 12:30 this morning. Logan was such a nice retreat for me to be around those people again. That and car rides with Heidi are very therapeutic and we had a really nice chat there and back. Now I'm sitting at work looking forward to dance tonight. :)
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:00 PM 1 comments