Well, last night was a welcomed night full of fun, laughter and relaxation with a bunch of friends. It started out as a volleyball game, then the sprinklers came on and that idea didn't work so well anymore, so we just laid on the grass and laughed and talked...mostly laughed. We're weird, yes, we know. But we love each other. Tegan, Me, Carolyn, Troy, Katie, Moe and Talia.
<-- Here's me and Morgan, and Katie.
Morgan loves me. :D --->
The girls.Well, there's some pictures for you. Some of my favorites. I love my friends, they're absolutely the best anyone could ask for. There's no better on the earth, of that I am pretty dang positive. They've always been right there when I need them, and we support and love each other endlessly. I don't think you could find a tighter group of people.
I think it's kind of funny though, how I get along with everybody, and am friends with everyone...but all my friends don't necessarily get along with each other, which makes it kind of hard when we want to get a big group together to do something...but I love them all anyways.
In case you're wondering, Elder Colton Davis Hattabaugh has been called to serve in the Washington, Tacoma mission. He will report to the MTC on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. I am so excited for him, but it's sad that he's actually finally leaving! But it's okay, we will write all the time and when he comes back, we're going to party it up in Ireland. :)
I got an e-mail from Elder Joseph Keeler this morning. He's doing well in Germany/Switzerland. It's so crazy to think he comes home in nine months...I am so excited to see him again.
Well, I think that's it for this post...more to come. Thanks for reading! Loves!
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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