Well Saturday ended up being an interesting day. I went to lunch with my brother and his fiancee, and hung out with them for a while. My mom decided-for absolutely no reason-that I shouldn't be with them anymore and called me home. Which, okay, I don't even understand at all...but honestly. He's my brother. Even if their relationship is screwed doesn't mean mine has to be. Needless to say I was very upset. My mother isn't even making sense with her "reasons" for acting how she is. I think she needs to take a step back and see how she's acting and what it's doing to the rest of the family, and especially to me... I came home and went straight to the basement without talking to anybody and there I stayed. I kept getting random text messages from various people until 1:30am when somewhere amongst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling around in my brain, I must have slipped into sleep.
Sunday morning I woke up with My Chemical Romance, "I'm Not Okay" in my head. So true. I had received a text from Heidi saying she was kidnapping me and taking me to Logan. No excuses. I was so relieved. I got up and went to church. The testimony meeting had a common theme: "God knows you, He knows all about you, He knows what you're going through and He will never leave you." Which is what I needed to hear, and I completely believe that without a doubt-but then I also think, "If God knows everything, then why is He letting this happen? Why is He letting things be the way they are right now?..."
After church Heidi and I ventured up to Logan. We went and found Tim, I missed that boy so much. We gave each other a big hug and I was so happy to just be around him again. We went into his townhouse where we just talked. It was so refreshing. I saw my old roommate Jacki, who practically dove onto the couch and latched her arms around me. Then Heidi and I went up Logan canyon with my cousin Shane (whose Birthday is today) and some of his friends for a Birthday BBQ. Then we went back to Tim's for a little bit, then came home at 12:30 this morning. Logan was such a nice retreat for me to be around those people again. That and car rides with Heidi are very therapeutic and we had a really nice chat there and back. Now I'm sitting at work looking forward to dance tonight. :)
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
I think He's letting things happen because He knows you can handle them. As do I. I'm here if you need me.
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