Life has a funny way of suddenly dumping on you. But whatever, I can handle least I hope I can. Tuesday night was not a very good night. Things happened that I'm grateful for yet at the same time I wish it never happened. It's getting fixed though. Yesterday I was sick, so I didn't go to work. And I didn't go do dance. I basically just stayed in bed. I woke up, decided there was no way I was going anywhere. Went back to bed. I woke up at 2 in the afternoon. Then took another nap. My brother came and talked to my mom for 4 hours...not sure how it went. I stayed downstairs. These past two days have been really tough. I figured if these things were all happening at different times I might be able to handle them...but having to face them all at once is wearing me thin. People are turning out to be other than what I initially perceived they were. I think I know some individuals and then they surprise me. My faith and trust has been shaken and I'm not sure who I can trust anymore. And considering the status of my trust in the first place---this is beyond scary for me. Funny how one event can change so much...
Today is the day Heidi and I return to Logan. I am so happy about that. It will most definitely be a mighty adventure-like things always are. I love being up in Logan, with my Logan people. I love all my people actually...
I woke up to Jimmy Eat World, May Angels Lead You In playing in my head this morning. Great song, love it. I updated my music list, so feel free to take a gander through it. Wonderful songs on there.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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