Hello all, I'm back from what has been quite the interesting week/end. Logan was fun, Heidi and I stayed with Tim. Firehouse Pizzeria is absolutely fantastic. Saturday I got to hang out with my very fabulous Carolyn. It was a lovely reunion with drinks (which is always a given when you get me and Carolyn together), laughing and some good conversation. Church was pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary to mention there. I had an interesting dream last night, when I woke up it made me a little sad because I haven't seen the friend that was the focus of that dream (although never actually made an appearance in said dream) for a while.
For reasons that have yet to be explained, my "nerve irritation" on the right side of the base of my twisted spine has decided that it hates me, again; therefore acting up again causing me great amounts of pain. Probably the worst sense of physical pain ever invented. Aside from childbirth I'm guessing but, they give you drugs so you don't feel the pain! Either way, it sucks. It sucks and it hurts. A lot. It's the main nerve that also goes through your butt and down your leg. Therefore my whole leg gets affected. I've already got nerve damage down my leg that's slowly repairing itself. You can't really massage the pain away because it's too deep, heat helps-mildly-sometimes. Using ice to freeze it just makes it spaz out. I've tried tons of different things to try and fix it. Sometimes I think it would feel a lot better if someone would shoot it and make it go away. It's not just "Irritated"...it's freaking pissed off. Causing an abnormally large pain preventing me from moving. So I curl up in a ball hoping to relieve it just a little and that doesn't work. So I try to stretch out but that makes it worse. So I decide to freeze, hoping it will calm down but to no avail. For how little nerves are...they sure can cause a lot of pain. You have no idea the magnitude of the pain until you've felt it, and I hope you never do.
Arguing with yourself never gets you anywhere except for making you really frustrated. That's what I learned last night. That and I've recently become a fan of Golden Girls. It is way funny, I remember watching it with my grandpa and great-grandma in St. George a couple years ago. I've also decided that their relationships and personalities parallel that of mine and three of my best friends. Call me Dorothy.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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