Gravelwalk by Stone Circle
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
(It still counts as day 12 because I haven't been to bed yet-even though technically it's day 13...which I'll do later.)
Um. I don't remember how I found out about it. I have one so that my family that don't live close by (i.E. my siblings) can still keep up to date on what I'm doing (even though we still talk on the phone, And friends and whoever else wants to read about my sometimes exciting adventures.
Tonight Celtic Celebration was pretty good. The two pre-performance things that usually without fail did in deed happen to me. 1- Nervous pee. Right before the show-even if I just went to the loo, I feel like I have to go again. While I may not be nervous, my bladder thinks I am. and 2- I forget the steps. It's all muscle memory, baby. Before the show I forget how all the dances go. It's terrible and freaks me out way more than my nervous bladder. Do either/both of these things happen to anyone else?
I had lots of fun dancing at Peery's Egyptian Theater. I am proud of that performance and I'm glad I got video of it, too. :) Those of you who didn't go-surely missed out. Though I'm a little disappointed I did not see the ghosties that reside in the Theater. But it was a great night anyways and I'm sure they enjoyed the show.
For anyone who is wondering-my health is continuing to get better. If anyone has/gets a sore throat try 1/8 teaspoon Cayenne pepper in 1 cup orange juice, heat it up, and drink it. It may sound gross-but trust me it's not. And it Works! If I'd known how great that works I would not have waited almost 4 days before I got desperate enough to try it. You can't even taste the pepper, so don't let that throw you off. My throat feels SO much better today I can talk, drink and swallow without wanting to cry.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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