Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
How funny that this question comes on my birthday. I am different from everyone else because I am ME. haha. No one else can be who I am, we are all individual in our own wonderfully unique ways. We are each given talents and gifts that fit us better than we may realize, and we may have more than we think we do.
If you read day one of this 30 day challenge, you'll read "interesting" facts about me. Also to go along with those- I think the green NyQuil tastes like liquid candy. I don't know why; it just does. I absolutely love the snow. And the Universe knows when to send it to me. Saturday when I was having gallbladder pains and problems I got huge white gorgeous cotton ball fluffy snow fall. This morning when I woke up it was all snowy for my birthday. I hate thunderstorms. It can rain all it wants because I love the rain but as soon as thunder comes into play the fun stops.
No one else has been through the trials I have been through-and they've made me who I am. People can't say "I know exactly how you feel", because no one does. Nobody has gone through your Exact situations, there's always something different in people's stories that have been through possibly similar experiences-but no one has been through our exact same stuff. So each of these things: trials, talents, gifts, quirks, etc. make us who we are as our incredibly individual selves.
Happy Birthday to me on my Golden birthday. 22 on the 22nd. Thanks to everyone who messaged, called and visited to help make this day special for me. It started with snow, and it ended with dance class. In my opinion- there's no better way to book-end a day.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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