Winter by Joshua Radin
Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name.
It took a bit to come up with a title that I liked. I wanted it to (try to) fit a good chunk of who I am. Trying to think of things that fit me, dancing, my Irish heritage, and how there's a lot of layers to who I am. I can talk for a long time and you still may not know anything of significance about me. (Just ask my old roommate, Jacki. You can't cause she's on her mission for another month and a half.) You have to get through the first few layers to get anywhere with me. I've been through a lot in the past that has sort of forced me to do that. There are also a lot of layers/aspects to my life, each one has a big significance to the whole being that I am. I love music, also (as you know). So A Wild Irish Rose Dancing Through Life is what I came up with. My Wild Irish Rose is an old Irish song, Dancing through Life is a song from Wicked, Roses have layers (which was a lot more appealing than my first thought of onions. So it has music, Irish, Dancing, and layers. Pretty heavy for a short title, but I like it.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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