Mother Nature by Natalie MacMaster
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
Music posts for me could go on for a long time..but I'll try not to get too carried away. This list is in NO way complete and/or solid, it's just to give you an idea of the type of music I listen to depending on what mood I'm in. And even then it's not always right.
Happy songs are: Love Today and Lollipop by Mika, dancey Irish melodies. Step Up 3 Soundtrack, The Script, Flogging Molly!, So She Dances by Josh Groban. . .
Sad songs: slow/ melancholic Irish melodies. losing your memory by Ryan Star, sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkle. Everybody Hurts by REM, Black Roses Red by Alana Grace, Let Me Fall by Josh Groban, Be Your Love by Rachael Yamagata...
Hyper songs: Basically the same as my happy songs. Anything with a good up beat. No specific songs pop into my head here-cause it's basically my happy music. Which is way too many to list..
Mad songs: Lots of bass, loudly. NOT scream-o stuff. "Scream-o" music is NOT music. I don't really care what you say, it's my opinion and I'm going to defend that until I die. A Perfect Circle's pretty good angry music (Lex introduced me to them in like. . .sophomore year? We were driving around in the red truck listening to them.) German rock stuff is good, too. I have no idea what they're saying-but when does that matter as long as the music is good?? Pretty much just loud music. . .no specific songs come to mind.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
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