Straight To You by Josh Groban
Day #1 A Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
This was last week. I woke up one morning to find my cat laying half on my pillow, half on my shoulder. I had to take a picture because it was cute, and he's my little buddy who is never far from me when I am home. We got him when I was 5, so in cat years he's an old man but he still seems to be pretty healthy which is good, I don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone.
So, I guess we'll try and find 15 "interesting" facts about me. . .
1- I am an Irish dancer. You all know this already, but (aside from my Irish dance friends) how many Irish dancers do you know? It's my go-to when someone asks for an interesting fact about me. And it may not even be that interesting to some people, oh well.
2- I am learning to play the bodhrán. A bodhrán is an Irish drum and it sounds so cool, I am not that good yet. My ultimate goal is to play the bodhrán and dance at the same time. Because how cool would that be?
3- I hate most chocolate flavored things. Chocolate milk, cake, pudding, ice cream, frosting, frosty's from Wendy's, etc. If it's actual chocolate, then it's okay. But for some reason the chocolate flavored things taste gross to me. My sister has "disowned" me many times for this because she LOVES chocolate and doesn't see how I can't love it as well. It's easy-there are much better tasting things out there.
4- I pretty much always have music or something on for noise in the background. Why? Because silence is so dang loud! On the music note- you know my blog titles are songs, but do you know that they usually are either a- the song I am currently listening to or 2- a song that is describing something or someone currently in my life?
5- Root beer is my weakness. If it's been a bad day-you can tell how bad of a day it's been by how much root beer I drink.
6- I may or may not have broken my left foot at my Senior all night party the night I graduated from High School. I say that because I never went to the doctor. Most people thought it was broken, and looking back-I think it may have been. I couldn't walk on it for a while-to turned real gross looking (bruising all over). But we taped it up and I used crutches for a bit. But-I was able to go back to dance faster than I would have if they stuck me in a boot and cast.
7- I do believe in Karma. So ya'all best be watching out.
8- My mom laughs at me (usually) at least once a day. Okay, that may be more about my mom than me, but it's me indirectly. Usually it's about something I say. I can be a very opinionated person, and apparently use humor in expressing some of them.
9- My favorite sandwich is The Junction from MacCool's Pub. Which I've learned has sadly been taken off the menu. This seriously made me way sad. It's so delicious! Why would they take it away?! It's a grilled mozzarella with prosciutto and fig jam on sourdough bread. Yeah, I thought it sounded weird too but it's SO good!
10- One of my pet peeves is hearing people chew. Not just chew but slosh their food. It makes me lose my appetite. Also if I hear chomping of gum. Yuck.
11- I have never had short hair. Except for when I was little and it was just growing. (It was also Platinum blond) The shortest it's ever been is just below my collar bone. I Absolutely love my long hair. (Which is to my low back.) I also had a perm through most of my growing years. I am jealous of all you naturally curly haired people out there.
12- I have royal blood, Irish and French (nice combo, huh?) I am related to Brian Boru, the last high king of Ireland. And one of the Kind Louis's.
13- I believe in ghosts. And have had experiences to back it up. I love watching those paranormal shows (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters Intl, Ghost Adventures).
14- I actually like being pale. Or "fair" skinned, depending on who you talk to. I have never really wanted to be tan.
15- I had never planned on being a massage therapist until 2 weeks before I started school for it. But love what I do, and am blessed to have a career that I enjoy.
Wow !!!!
2 months ago
also on #4 you should have added that you and I were together a lot and i got your hooked on music, because i couldn't stand the silence. haha the good old days!
I was already hooked on music before that-but you did aide in this addiction. :)
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