So, here are some idioms, and here is what I think about them. Do I agree? or do I disagree? (I was kind of bored at work, so that's how this came about.)
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.=True, it's best not to rely on one thing. Have options.
When life deals you lemons, make lemonade.=True, make the best of what you've got.
The grass is always greener on the other side.=Traulse. It depends, usually true-but some people don't know how good they've got it and when they look at someone else they think the other person has it better.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.=True. Don't count on something because you don't know what you're gonna get.
All's fair in love and war.=FALSE! There are things you just don't do! End of story.
Ignorance is bliss.=True. If you don't know something, it can't hurt you.
Easy come, easy go.=True. Anything that comes easy to you can likely be taken away just as easy.
Don't bit the hand that feeds you. =True. You don't hurt someone that helps you.
Actions speak louder than words.=So true. A similar one is: What you're doing is so loud, I can't hear what you say.
Drastic times call for drastic measures.=Traulse. It really depends on the situation.
Every cloud has a silver lining.=True. There's pretty much always an upside to every situation. One that goes along with this could be: Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
It takes two to tango.=True.
Let bygones be bygones.=True. Just forget about disagreements or arguments and move on.
Variety is the spice of life.=True. The more experiences you have, the more exciting your life can be.
You can't judge a book by its cover.=True! Get to know someone/something "read the book" if you will, before you pass judgment. You may miss out on something great.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Well, Christmas is over. All in all it was a great Christmas this year- despite that my brother and his wife weren't around to celebrate with the whole family. I think that's why it didn't feel like Christmas until we were all in Ogden doing the tradition thing-but they still weren't there. There was a hole, at least for me anyways.
On the gift front-I received and unexpected package from my Joseph in Switzerland. I got a massage table, some clothes, DVD's and some jewelery.
My sister and Jarmo are leaving tomorrow to go back to Houston.
My uncle, Tony, announced that he's getting baptized! It's way exciting and we're all congregating down in Lake Havisu City, Arizona on January 10 and my cousin Michael is going to baptize him.
My Heidi was in a car crash on Saturday, she and her mom actually. They're alright- it could have been a lot worse than it was. Heidi's mom has a wicked sprained and bruised ankle-not broken. Heidi has a concussion. She was actually speaking a lot better than I expected cause when I had my concussion I was not speaking near as good as Heidi. They both have bruises, and burns from the chemicals with the air bags. I was with Heids for a couple hours Saturday night and by the time I left, she was looking a lot better than when I got there.
And, I have officially danced a hole in the bottom of my I need duct tape.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Christmas!
It's Christmas Eve and I'm still confused on how it got here so fast. It's still not feeling a lot like Christmas for me, but tonight I'm sure will change that. I'm going to my aunts in Ogden for our Christmas Eve traditions which will be awesome.
My sister Nicole and her husband Jarmo (Jason) flew in from Houston late last night. It's been a while since we've all seen each other so that's cool.
Nothing too much to say though, just happy wishes to all.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Someone Said...
So, I stole this idea from Lindsay's blog. It's a list of my favorite quotes-in no particular order. Some of them don't have an author, but they're still good nonetheless.
- "Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despite to forget. We lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievances that in a years time, will be forgotten by us and by everybody. No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feelings. To great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertakings." -Andre Maurois, Writer
- "Those who bring light and sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves."-J.M. Barrie, writer
- I am a dancer. I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living.... In each it is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes in some area an athlete of God. ~Martha Graham, c.1953
- "Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." -St. Augustine
- "I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie, writer
- "The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next."-Mignon McLaughlin
- "There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them."-Vicki Baum
- "Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there."-Josh Billings
- "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
- "All you really need is that one person to trust. That one person you know will always tell you, "Everything will be alright..." and somehow, for some reason, you always believe them."
- "Her favorite song will tell you more about her than her mouth ever will."
- "A dancer dances until it hurts, a real dancer dances through the pain."
- "Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand."
- "Next time you're mad, try dancing out your anger."-Sweetpea Tyler
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hair, Finals and Boxes.
So, I dyed my hair. I love it. Tim says I dye my hair more than he waxes his eyebrows...I hope that's true...haha. I loved having the way blond highlights in my hair-surprisingly-so we tried to do the whole thing that color; it didn't look right. My hair color almost looked confused and dull (to me anyways). So on Saturday-we did this! The box said "chesnut". As you can see, it's a dark red. I am definitely a fan of it.
It's December! Yay!..... It's finals weeks! Yuck! I am half way through them though, so far I'm doing pretty well I think. Anatomy on Monday is going to be a royal pain. Keep your fingers crossed for me! After this next week, I will officially be half way done!!!
My parents surprised me with a real Christmas tree! It's so pretty! I was very delighted when I saw it. This is my second real Christmas tree (my first, given to me by Joseph). It's beautiful.
I sent off boxes to my missionaries. (well, 4 of them.) Yes, maybe I didn't need to. Yes, I put a lot of money into the contents of said boxes. Yes, I put a lot of money into sending said boxes. But honestly- I don't care. They're out there, away from home. Who knows what they're getting this holiday season. I don't want them to feel sad, neglected or anything like that. My brother said that Christmas on missions suck, and if that's the case for these boys-I hope my box will bring them some cheer and comfort to know that I love them and I am keeping them in mind this Christmas. (They're pretty amazing boxes, I'm not gonna lie. I'd love me if I sent me a box like that...haha. I almost feel like Santa Claus to these boys. I love them.) So I think about what these boxes will do for them, and nothing else matters. It makes it all worth it.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:03 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My deepest fear
It is our light , not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make and manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson
We need to stand to make a difference, because let's face it, the world can be a scary place. We need to shoot for our dreams. Reach out to others, we're all in this together.
Even if at times we feel invisible.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's Coming...
I'm so excited for winter...mmm...winter. It's my favorite season. I love waking up after it's snowed and everything is blanketed in peaceful, white snow. Joe told me (before he left) that when he wakes up after the first snowfall, he'll go walk slowly around his house outside barefoot...while that's a great thing to do; and he can handle the stinging cold under his feet- I'd probably get frostbite. So I appreciate snow a little differently.
Plus, Christmas is in winter. I love Christmas. Mostly because I see my family a ton with Thanksgiving and Christmas being a month apart- and there's some family birthdays.
Another thing is-of course-the music. I love Christmasy music. But not the "traditional" same-old music. I love the Forgotten Carols, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Manheim Steamroller, Jon Schmidt also has gorgeous and fabulous Christmas music.
Thanksgiving was yesterday. We went to my grandparents here in Bountiful. It was a pretty good day, even though my siblings weren't there. After eating, me and my cousins Shane and Kevin and my cousin-in-law Micah played croquet. Croquet-while fun- is not something that should be done in heels. Running around a grass yard in heels makes your feet hurt pretty quick.
I can't wait for snow- it's coming...I can tell.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Time Flies
Well, nothing really to is hard, but it's great. I have mid-terms next week which is insane to think about! I'm half way through my second quarter! It's crazy how fast it's gone already-but I find that when you're doing something you love, time almost doesn't exist. And the thought of graduation on May 22 seems way close, but like it can't come fast enough.
It's snowed often this week which makes me happy. I love snow. It's pretty. Peaceful. Sparkly. I can't wait for Winter to fully set in. Bliss.
I would just like to take a second to express my appreciation for my friends. They really are the best ones anyone could possibly have. I'm glad we're as close as we are...and I love how some of us have stayed in touch for years. Goes to show that true friends are really there. Even if we've been apart for ages.
Awesome songs you should listen to:
Everybody's Someone by Leann Rimes and Brian McFadden
Christmas Melody and A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief by Jon Schmidt
Pretty much anything by Delta Goodrem.
Good Night.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm Alive
Oh man...I lived. That was crazy. These last two weeks were ridiculous! Last week it started showing in my face how stressed and run-down I was. I felt like I had a fever-but I didn't, and it looked like I got hit in the face. Twice. I've never had stress and sleep deprivation manifest itself like that. It seriously looked like I got beat up. I shoulda taken pictures. By the time we got to the last 4 finals my brain was pretty much applesauce. It's intense. The trick though!---is to keep breathing. Just breathe.
But I am happy to say that after two weeks, 5 projects, a grand total of 13 finals (yeah, thirteen finals!!) and I am officially done with my first quarter of school. Go me! I'm fairly confident in all my classes I took- pretty sure I did really well on them though I don't have my final grades yet but my teachers have said I did awesome. Yay! I went to Bear Lake this weekend to get away and relax. It was fabulous. It snowed most of the weekend up there so that was like a special little present just for me. This quarter though I don't have classes on Fridays-so that's way nice. This quarter I'm taking: Anatomy 3&4 (Muscles and bones), polarity, cranial 2, reflexology, massage lab, specialized modalities and pathology 2. Woo! I will be done with this quarter on December 17 (I think...).
Lately I've become huge in piano playing. I've started loving it more and more. I've always enjoyed playing but I've been working on some Jon Schmidt pieces and they're gorgeous. I love it. The ones I've been working on aren't as hard as I anticipated given that they're Jon Schmidt's songs...anyone who knows about Jon Schmidt can attest to this mans ridiculous talent with a piano and his work is genius.
So, life is great! Living and loving. Can't wait for dance tonight.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Bodies and Bodies
Well, the past couple weeks have been stressful, frustrating, slightly traumatizing, annoying and going by really fast. I'm half way through finals. Unlike "college", I have two weeks of finals. One week of written, one week of practical. Which, they're going well, but I'm still stressed. Just Breathe.The past couple days have been good though. Thursday, I went with my school to BodyWorlds. It is absolutely fabulous. I wasn't sure what to think walking in there, I mean-these are real human bodies...but it is done so artistically and so fascinating that I really didn't have time to get grossed out. There are a lot of things to look at and take in. I highly recommend everyone go to this. It is truly amazing. I was going to take pictures, but photography isn't allowed-so I found this picture on the BodyWorlds website ( There you can find information on it, and how they plastinate the bodies and such. After we left the exhibit-everyone was craving deli sandwiches...
Friday, I had raindrop therapy, which is nothing like Chinese Water Torture. It's basically a way relaxing froofroo massage done with essential oils. I smelled like oregano the rest of the day. Why oregano though...I would have preferred the wintergreen to linger rather than the oregano...
I also went to the Davis Convention Center in Layton and did on-site chair massages with the owners of the school. It was so awesome! I loved it, and got GREAT feedback from the people I worked on. A lot of them wanted to schedule a massage with me and were shocked to find out that I am just finishing my first quarter and won't be in my clinic for another 11 weeks. Amongst the colorful and assorted types of personalities, bodies and all that entails- I had the privilege of working on a gentleman with Cerebral Palsy. That was really cool-he was really tight, and he informed me that the tightness is always there. He was a joy to work on. He (along with everybody else) said that I was a fabulous therapist, with right-on pressure and I had a great touch and quality to my massage.
So, all in all...things are going really well...getting over the frustrating stressfullness that has to come with things. So yep...until next time.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Morgan and I got our pictures taken today-for when we get married (if we're single) on October 17, 2029. Here are some of my favorites...
Basically, we're adorable. And our wedding is going to be a party.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Alright. So-things have been going Really well for me the past couple weeks. And they've flown by. Mid-terms were last week, and I am glad to report that I flew through them and passed all of them fabulously. The actual Massaging is going well too. Today I worked on my teacher and she was feeling quite lovely by the time I was done with her. I think it's amazing how I've fallen into Massage Therapy-and how much I've learned, how at ease I am with it and how much it just fits. Everything is just working out and I am doing something I love, and feel really good about- and apparently I'm amazing. Or-at least-the people I've worked on have said so. And I can help people in more ways then I ever imagined possible. I keep thinking how shocking it is that I am in my 7th week and still haven't had a bad day. Or how it feels like I just started and I'm almost done with my first quarter. I keep waiting for something to go wrong-or to not feel accomplished at the end of a day/week and it just hasn't happened. And I hope I don't jinx it by admitting it. Plus-going to the school I do, there are a lot of really intuitive people there (practically all of us going there are abnormally intuitive), and so that does make it hard to disguise my unpleasant emotions if I am a little less happy than normal. And-an unforeseen benefit of going there is everybody is so willing to help you! My back (not my sciatic, thankfully) has been hurting since yesterday after church. My anatomy teacher put my on the table, stretched my spine and was able to pick out exactly where was tight and what hurt. He got into the parts that needed to work and I left school today in no pain and was able to get up without hurting. I could gush about this subject for a while, so I think I'll just end it there.
My Colton flew to Washington today, and I sended him a box which I'm betting was waiting for him at the mission home. I wish I could have seen his face when they gave it to him. My Tim leaves for his mission in a few weeks as well, he is going to be an amazing missionary. (Then all my boys are gone, except for Moe, he'll never leave me.) My Joe hit his 18 month mark yesterday, so he'll be coming home in about 6 months-which is way exciting.
Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, but A-don't know how, and 2- don't know what? That's how I'm feeling. I've been in a writing drought lately and it's making me sad. Because I could honestly sit at this here computer for hours and just type my fingers away--if I had but something to write about. Which I used to be filled with subjects and such to explore, but I'm kind of out now. I want to write something powerful. Whether it be lovingly sweet, adorably kind, or beautifully depressing. I've just about exhausted my basis for things to write about-so if anyone can give me ideas or a list or something-I'd be appreciative cause I'm running dry.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Weekend in Short
Well, the long weekend was glorious.
Saturday I went tubing/boating with a bunch of girls from dance. I love being with my dance girls. It was lots of fun. I'm sure I can safely speak for all of us when I say it was a great day, thanks Aly! You are the best.
Sunday I decided to trek up to Logan to see Tim and my old roommate Jacki, and my friend Jenny. It was a good day! I loved every minute of it. From chatting with Jenny, to walking through the cemetery with Jenny and Tim, to getting attacked in the cemetery by a sudden onset of the storm, to walking through the rain and puddles with Jacki and Jenny, to baking a cake and watching Hitch with Jacki, to discussing hand holding and trying out different ways of holding hands with Tim. The drive back was way way dark and kind of creepy-especially through the canyon after the storm, and being one of less than 30 other cars on the road. Luckily it didn't start to be stormy again until I was in Centerville. I got home at almost midnight. Then I texted and chatted with Shane for about an hour, and we were both falling asleep so we called it a night.
Yesterday was an incredibly lazy day. I got a phone call that was a "wrong number"...I'm wondering if it was really a wrong number. Moe came over and we hung out, watched a T.V. show and had a marvelous time. (OH P.S.!- Lindsay so kindly reminded me that I forgot....) Morgan and I cuddled and held hands, as did Moe also have his arm around Linds. We're such a close loving group...and then Morgan had to leave and go to bed. So after he left-Lindsay and I had cake batter and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with mozzarella sticks (Not together....and blame our hormonal state.) and watched an awesome movie by the name of "Just Like Heaven". And drove around listening to really great female empowering songs by Pink mostly. It was quite an enjoyable evening for all parties involved I'm sure.
Today when I got back from school there was a cute little bunny in our yard. It was so cute and little, it was tan with a fluffy white tail. Now I want a bunny.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 6:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Slight Update
For some reason---I feel weird. I just feel like somethings wrong. It was way bad on Tuesday and I couldn't shake it. I still haven't been able to shake it or figure out what is causing said feeling. It's like I feel like something is wrong with someone I know...or something is going to happen. Weird.
Yesterday- my dear Tim came to visit me on his journey back up to Logan. It was so good to see him and I was way surprised when he called to see if he could stop by. He stayed for a couple hours and we completely lost track of time. We had a loverly chat. I'm thinking I may go up to Logan on Sunday and see him and Jacki, and some other friends up there.
School is going good. I did two massages on people not in my class-and I got great feedbacks from both, so that's awesome. I'm still loving it-and still feel great about it.
Well----that's about it...
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
ABC's of Me
A = ADVOCATE FOR: Honesty. I hate lies.
Okay- so I like that song and I wrote down all the things they said...really though...I'd go travel Europe, and save some of it.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 6:14 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
5 things I love
Aly tagged me, so I shall happily do this. haha. I tag Nicole and Lindsay.
Five things I love (in no particular order):
Dancing.I have been Irish Step Dancing for about two and a half years, I love it. It's a great form of exercise, and it is a wonderful escape from reality. Being able to travel across the floor in soft shoe, or stomp it all out in hard shoe. The people in my dance class are also a wonderful part of dance too. I have made some great friends through dance. We all come from different backgrounds, ages, places and phases of life. But we all share a common bond with our love of dance. This picture was taken while I was on my toes in my hardshoes. Pretty huh?
I am pretty much attached to my camera. I have it with me almost everywhere I go. I've got a million pictures of friends, family, scenery. I love it. People who know me know that where I go-my camera is coming with me.
Laughing, Smiling, Being happy...there's nothing better. Especially after going through a lot of really hard, life altering-faith shaking events...being happy is something I think a ton of people take for granted...I adore laughing, there is nothing that feels so good as a hard, gut busting laughing session. I have laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe, cried, collapsed on the floor/couch/chair, got the hiccups, almost got physically sick and threw up. I have laughed through an entire movie. I have laughed for 4 hours straight. Some of my friends from junior high said that they wouldn't be surprised if I died laughing. Laughing always makes you feel better too. Here is a picture of me and my friend Lindsay laughing (which really isn't rare at all...)
Playing it, listening to it, analyzing is a huge part of my life. As you should know by now. I can relate to music and tie it with situations, events, people, feelings, times of my life... music seems to put into words what nothing else can. When I can't put what I'm feeling down in writing a narrative, I can usually find a song that will fit almost perfectly. It's so versatile. There are some simply beautiful, amazingly inspiring, beautifully depressing songs and lyrics out there.
Massage Therapy.Even though I haven't been going to massage therapy school that long, I already love it. I can't even really explain it, but I just simply love it. I have been so happy with the choice to go where I'm going. It's not only massage, but natural, holistic healing as well. Cranio-sacral, Meridians, Energy work stuff. It's great!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Oh Deer!
So, this morning, there was a baby deer chilling in our backyard. Such a cute and tiny little thing...we went to work and came back, and Baby brought Mommy!They were in our backyard all day. Just hanging out, eating raspberries and flowers, dogwood leaves.
That's about it for today. My sciatic nerve is being mean to me again...but I'm hoping that doesn't last long.
My Tim got his mission call!! He's going to Tacoma, Washington as well. He leaves in October. Sunday was Ryan Jones's farewell. He gave a good talk. Also on Sunday I went to Ogden and had lunch/dinner with some family. Me and my cousin Kevin had a grand time hanging out. We talked and laughed. We think we're hilarious so we laugh a lot. Well, I've got to go now. Until next time!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Music is My Life.
Well, I'm sitting here at work being pretty bored and need to take a break from feeding my weird fascination with Ghost Hunters; I decided to write on here and give some of the background/meaning stories to some of the songs on my play-list here. I won't share all of them, or all of the story(s). So-here you go:
- Looking For Angels-Skillet: My ex-boyfriend, David, introduced me to Skillet one night before we started dating with the song "Yours to Hold" and I instantly fell in love with the song, and the music group. Upon further exploration I ran into "Looking For Angels" and realized how much truth is in the song. People, whether they know it or not, are looking for angels in life. The whole song has poetic lyrics and I love it.
- Lost- Michael Buble: While I am a fan of Michael in general, this song I particularly love. Especially the chorus. "You are not alone, I'm always there with you....cause when you feel like you're done, and the darkness has won, babe you're not lost. When your world's crashing down, and you cannot bear the thought, I said babe, you're not lost." The whole song hits a chord, but that part of the chorus says it.
- February Song- Josh Groban: I love the beautiful calming and empowering of Josh Grobans beautiful voice, and while I couldn't find "So She Dances" this song is close in the runnings. It kind of just says: "Even if I'm not myself, I don't want to let you down, I'll come back. I don't want to let my friends and loved ones down, so don't worry if I slip-I'll be back." I went though a period for a couple months where I wasn't myself, and people could tell. I was listening to this song and it totally fit with everything that I was unknowingly thinking and feeling. The "old friend" in the song being me and I was lost in a February Song of sorts of my own .... as the song said-I promise you, I'll come back to you. And I did.
- Collide-Howie Day: This song was the last song that was played at the Christmas Dance my senior year. I went with a very good and special friend of mine, Joe. I've always remembered this song and connected it with him and all the times we had before he went on his mission (hang outs, all nighters, parties, conversations, confession sessions) and lyric lines in this song fit with us and our friendship as well.
- Vulnerable- Secondhand Serenade: I hate being vulnerable...but I love deep conversations. So, there are many times where I find myself talking with a friend and we both reach a new level in conversation where we find ourselves confiding in the other things we didn't plan on, or didn't know were even there. Both feeling extremely vulnerable but taking the chance.
- I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance: This song is just a good song when you're not okay. It says it through the whole song. It says "I'm Okay" and "I'm Not Okay". Trying to tell the world you're okay, but then slipping in-no really....I'm not okay. Me and my friend Heidi (who introduced me to the beauty of this song on the way up to Logan one day when neither of us was okay) and so when we need each other, all we have to text the other one is "I'm Not Okay." and then we know that something is seriously wrong.
- Where You Lead, I Will Follow-Carole King & Louise Goffin: Also known as the theme song for "Gilmore Girls". Very true for all my friends. If they need me-I'll do anything I can to be there. "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"- Death Cab For Cutie: It has the same meaning to it.
- Let Me Be Myself- 3 Doors Down: Kind of the same as "February Song". Getting lost in a person that isn't you. People expecting you to be someone you're not as they've seen you as someone else. Getting so absorbed and tired of being that person. And just wanting to be yourself, and being able to shine as who you are. "Car Crash" by Matt Nathanson is like the after work of this song for me. Once you've come back and finding the exhilaration of coming back. And having your true friends embrace you and just wanting to live life because in a sense you've felt dead compared to what you're feeling now. Just breaking free and living.
- Riverdance- Bill Whelan: Duh...does this need explanation?? Okay, well, I'm Irish. I dance. I love it. There you go. I dance to this song in my hardshoes and it's a total blast.
- For Good-Wicked: I sent out a text to some friends with the question of "If you could dedicate one song to me, what would it be?" And my friend Bailey answered back with this song. Another one contributed was "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder.
- Boston-Augustana: I have this odd fascination with Boston. I've never been there...but I've wanted to go East. This song I think sparked my inner drive to go East. The thought of going somewhere for a fresh start always sounds appealing.
- Faithfully-Journey: My friend Drew said he was going to serenade me with this song. He also self-appointed himself as my fiance. He always made me feel special. I can't explain all the ways how. Coming up behind me in band or in the hallway and putting his arms around me. Wrapping me in a blanket with him on a cold day. Skipping A.P. Statistics to hear me play a musical selection in seminary. It seems he always had the same greeting for me, "Hello beautiful, how are you today?"
- Broken- Lifehouse: This was/is still kind of my theme song for a long time. Somehow, some people think this song is depressing...which it really is-I'll give you that. But only to an extent. "I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing. With a broken heart, that's still beating." Come on, yeah, that's depressing...but listen to the next line! "In the pain, there is healing. In your name, I find meaning. So I'm holding on. I'm holding on. I'm holding on. I'm barely holding on to you." No matter how broken you may seem...there's still hope. There's going to be that one person you hold onto. Where in no matter how down, depressed, broken and lost you may seem-there's still that line of hope. "I'm hanging on another day, just to see what you will throw my way. And I'm hanging on to the words you say. You said that I will be okay."
- Hero/Heroine- Boys Like Girls: Shortly after moving home from Logan, I went out with my Morgan. We went to a concert and then were in his room, laying on his bed just talking. There was music playing on his computer and then this song came on, and he said it fit for us, for that night.
- Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol: I'm not quite sure why, or how...but this song I've always connected with my Colton. And the more I listen to it, the more it seems to fit. One night in his backyard, us plus Elise just laid on the grass and looked at the stars. Spending half the time not even really saying anything. Forgetting everything. Colton and I have great plans to go to Ireland when he gets back from his mission.
- Swing Life Away- Rise Against: Secrets, secrets...teehee. This song kind of has double meaning. One story, I won't really share. But the other one I will, my old roommate Jacki and I loved to drive. Many Saturdays we'd venture to Idaho...for no reason. We both love this song, and it kind of fits with our age group-ish too.
- Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel)- Billy Joel: As I mentioned, sleep is kind of hard sometimes. And I love this song! It's so relaxing and kind of just gives you warm fuzzies inside. After I listen to this song, I am relaxed and can get calm enough to sleep.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Days of Yesteryear
Well, it is past midnight on Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) and guess what I did today... Nothing. Pretty much. I sat and looked at pictures, listened to meaningful songs, watched movies, re-read old journals and writings. (Oh-and I baked a German Oatmeal Cake.)
Then I got really depressed and nostalgic for some of the "good old days". Not all of them though...just some of them. And some I didn't even want the whole day, just parts of them. Some of the most craptastic days I have lived through had some of the best endings. You know, the days where you wonder, "What the heck happened today??" Wishing it was all a dream but know that it wasn't. And then that one person you secretly know you need is the one that literally walks though the door, or knocks on your window, or calls you. Who provides you with the saving grace you've been silently wishing for all day. And somehow- everything else fades away and the rest of the world doesn't matter because you're safe now. Encircled in protective, caring arms. You know the saying, "You don't really know what you have until it's gone. . ." well that saying is so true. But with that continued absence, comes the realization of impending, anticipated reunion. For each day you spend apart from a person(s) brings you one day closer to the next time you'll see them again. Wow...that was quite unintentionally poetic. Alright, moving on:
I've been having a hard time sleeping lately, or once I fight to get to sleep-I can't stay asleep. So I've taken to listening to lullaby-ish songs which may sound lame, but I've found some I really like. They'll just pop into my head when I'm trying to sleep, so here's some (in no particular order of favoritism.) and if you have suggestions-I'd like to hear them.
- "Lullaby" By Josh Groban
- "Goodnight My Angel" By Billy Joel
- "Lullaby" By Shawn Mullins
- "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
- "All you really need is that one person to trust, that one person you know will always tell you, 'Everything will be alright. . .' and somehow, for some reason, you always believe them."
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's official...
I am enrolled in the Renaissance School of Massage Therapy! I start on August 4. I am way excited about it.
Last night I went boating with some neighbors and my parents, it was fun. I was actually able to get up on my knees knee boarding. That was an accomplishment.
Tonight there will be all sorts of festivities in my backyard-well, not all sorts...but there will be fire, Mallows, Starburst, and fun (of course). Hopefully it all goes well. I have no idea who's coming or how many people will be there, but it will be a party none-the-less.
My school of Irish Dance will no longer be Crawford...we're combining and taking the name of "An Daire Academy". An Daire is a school based out of Portland, Oregon. Apparently they're amazing, and hopefully more of our wants/needs will be satisfied by combining with them.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Blind Follower
It's Saturday...Yesterday felt like Saturday because I didn't do now I get two Saturdays. I'm okay with that.
Wednesday the world was totally on my side. I was just about on empty-the gas light was going to go off any time. I decided to go to work, I'd get paid that day, and then I could deposit my check into my bank and then fill up. I hit all green lights all the way to work. I get to work and Larry (The guy I was working for) asked me to follow him up to Logan because he had to take the trailer up for the car show. He said he'd pay for my gas, and buy me food. Sweet I love to drive and I had wanted to drive somewhere for a while, so this was perfect. So I did. The break lights and turn signals on the trailer didn't work, and it wasn't registered. So I was a blind driver the whole way up to Logan (I didn't know where in Logan we were going, and with no was interesting, but fun.) Either way, I got a free full tank of gas-and a free meal at the FireHouse.
My appointment and the Renaissance School of Massage Therapy went really well, I got a really good feeling about that place. I liked it a lot. They're giving me the weekend to think about it and they'll call me on Monday to get my decision.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summer Nights, Happenings...and parties.
Alright, a recent thing...Stacy is not going back to Utah State. Weird, Shocking, yes...but it just doesn't feel right. So I am going to take a stab at massage therapy! It's always kind of been a thought and I had it as a plan B anyways. Thursday I have an appointment with the Renaissance School of Massage Therapy and we'll see how that goes. It's in Bountiful so it's close and I won't have to move. And I'll be done with school soon and can move on with my life. And they don't make you take ridiculous generals that we all know and hate. So I'm feeling really good about my decision.
I think I might be addicted to Step I know you're probably thinking, "That's nothing new." Oh I beg to is. Before I was just in love with it's become a bigger part of who I am (If that is possible). I dance like everyday...for long periods of time. Hardshoe mostly. Last week I did quite the number on my heel, I couldn't wear shoes for a couple days. (Which put me out of dance for a couple days, tragic I know.) Sunday I was hardshoing in my garage for over 30 mins without much of a break, and I finally took a break and was drinking some water when I couldn't swallow anymore and threw up a little. It was mostly water-no worries. And I'm totally fine, it just surprised me. I've never done that before...
Ok, so last night I was hanging out (as is customary for me, and completely necessary for my sanity). When the thought came to Or more specifically, Parties. Good crap, the last party I went to was like two weeks ago! So, Tuesday, I'm planning a party with my friend, Lex. And hopefully that will work out. Campfire, games, music...and then, before we all part ways again for various reasons, School, Work, Missions, etc...a party that will be unlike any we've thrown/attended. An elegant party. How many times do you get the chance to dress up all fancy and get all dolled up? Not often...probly the last time I got the chance to do anything of the sort was for Senior Ball. Dude, I get excited over small and simple things, we know this...but I'll say it anyways...I am so excited for it!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Those summer nights.
Well, last night was a welcomed night full of fun, laughter and relaxation with a bunch of friends. It started out as a volleyball game, then the sprinklers came on and that idea didn't work so well anymore, so we just laid on the grass and laughed and talked...mostly laughed. We're weird, yes, we know. But we love each other. Tegan, Me, Carolyn, Troy, Katie, Moe and Talia.
<-- Here's me and Morgan, and Katie.
Morgan loves me. :D --->
The girls.Well, there's some pictures for you. Some of my favorites. I love my friends, they're absolutely the best anyone could ask for. There's no better on the earth, of that I am pretty dang positive. They've always been right there when I need them, and we support and love each other endlessly. I don't think you could find a tighter group of people.
I think it's kind of funny though, how I get along with everybody, and am friends with everyone...but all my friends don't necessarily get along with each other, which makes it kind of hard when we want to get a big group together to do something...but I love them all anyways.
In case you're wondering, Elder Colton Davis Hattabaugh has been called to serve in the Washington, Tacoma mission. He will report to the MTC on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. I am so excited for him, but it's sad that he's actually finally leaving! But it's okay, we will write all the time and when he comes back, we're going to party it up in Ireland. :)
I got an e-mail from Elder Joseph Keeler this morning. He's doing well in Germany/Switzerland. It's so crazy to think he comes home in nine months...I am so excited to see him again.
Well, I think that's it for this post...more to come. Thanks for reading! Loves!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Update of sorts...
Well, I'm working back at Designs and Signs for the next week or so. Good news: I haven't even burned myself on the 400 degree press! But, the shirts and bags are really hot just off the press. Oh man...haha. Anyways....the chiropractor is helping with my pain.
I got an e-mail from Joe on Wednesday, it was short but sweet. 5 sentences and he made me cry--in a good way. I also got a letter from Andrew yesterday. I love hearing from my missionaries.
Tonight at 9pm a gathering will ensue at the Hattabaugh Hotel where many will surround Sir Colton as he opens his mission call. It's way exciting but sad at the same time. He's one of the last of my boys to go. It's going to be hard to send him off too, but it's alright, they may leave-but they come back.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Aighty, so, the official news on my diagnosis...L4 & L5 are out of place. My sacrum is tilted forward, my right hip is dropped, my sciatic nerve is inflamed and I have a knot in the dimple of my butt that's really tight and causing problems in my low back. (If you don't know what any of those things are, Google it, that's what I did. Ha ha) So, Dr. Knight is trying to fix me, and so far it seems to be working. Keep your fingers crossed. My pain has decreased- I can move now! Mainly now it's the motion of standing up and sitting down that freaks out at me.
I am still in wondering awe over Secondhand Serenade and their *fabulous* concert last Wednesday...hmm... :)
Friday, I went to a party at Colton's house, it was so good to see/talk to old friends again. I missed them. We haven't seen each other in forever but that didn't put any distance between us.
Saturday, I was hanging out with Moe, and met his cousin, Matt, and then we ended up going hot tubing at Matt's place. Pretty fun.
Well, that's 'bout it. I'm still alive, and trying to stay that way with everything that's going on; good and bad.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's been a few days, but eventful days nonetheless. Tuesday I went to a chiropractor for my back, he took x-rays and nothing "too serious" showed up...that's a good thing, right? My right hip is dropped and something is tilted forward...and my sciatica is inflamed. Fun! No. Pain. So I've been every day since, because it keeps slipping back, I have to go back today. Next week he said we'll start skipping days. I just hope it will help. The pain is almost paralyzing...that's how much it hurts. No words can explain it...but I am trying to keep a good outlook and positive attitude that it won't last forever.
Last night, Heidi and I went to the Secondhand Serenade concert...oh my flip. I am in love. Even more than I was. Some bands don't sound good live, but they were amazing-they sounded like them. And their drummer was awesome. They basically just rocked all around. They're coming back in August...I so want to go.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
I have returned
Hello all, I'm back from what has been quite the interesting week/end. Logan was fun, Heidi and I stayed with Tim. Firehouse Pizzeria is absolutely fantastic. Saturday I got to hang out with my very fabulous Carolyn. It was a lovely reunion with drinks (which is always a given when you get me and Carolyn together), laughing and some good conversation. Church was pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary to mention there. I had an interesting dream last night, when I woke up it made me a little sad because I haven't seen the friend that was the focus of that dream (although never actually made an appearance in said dream) for a while.
For reasons that have yet to be explained, my "nerve irritation" on the right side of the base of my twisted spine has decided that it hates me, again; therefore acting up again causing me great amounts of pain. Probably the worst sense of physical pain ever invented. Aside from childbirth I'm guessing but, they give you drugs so you don't feel the pain! Either way, it sucks. It sucks and it hurts. A lot. It's the main nerve that also goes through your butt and down your leg. Therefore my whole leg gets affected. I've already got nerve damage down my leg that's slowly repairing itself. You can't really massage the pain away because it's too deep, heat helps-mildly-sometimes. Using ice to freeze it just makes it spaz out. I've tried tons of different things to try and fix it. Sometimes I think it would feel a lot better if someone would shoot it and make it go away. It's not just "Irritated"'s freaking pissed off. Causing an abnormally large pain preventing me from moving. So I curl up in a ball hoping to relieve it just a little and that doesn't work. So I try to stretch out but that makes it worse. So I decide to freeze, hoping it will calm down but to no avail. For how little nerves are...they sure can cause a lot of pain. You have no idea the magnitude of the pain until you've felt it, and I hope you never do.
Arguing with yourself never gets you anywhere except for making you really frustrated. That's what I learned last night. That and I've recently become a fan of Golden Girls. It is way funny, I remember watching it with my grandpa and great-grandma in St. George a couple years ago. I've also decided that their relationships and personalities parallel that of mine and three of my best friends. Call me Dorothy.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Well Well...
Life has a funny way of suddenly dumping on you. But whatever, I can handle least I hope I can. Tuesday night was not a very good night. Things happened that I'm grateful for yet at the same time I wish it never happened. It's getting fixed though. Yesterday I was sick, so I didn't go to work. And I didn't go do dance. I basically just stayed in bed. I woke up, decided there was no way I was going anywhere. Went back to bed. I woke up at 2 in the afternoon. Then took another nap. My brother came and talked to my mom for 4 hours...not sure how it went. I stayed downstairs. These past two days have been really tough. I figured if these things were all happening at different times I might be able to handle them...but having to face them all at once is wearing me thin. People are turning out to be other than what I initially perceived they were. I think I know some individuals and then they surprise me. My faith and trust has been shaken and I'm not sure who I can trust anymore. And considering the status of my trust in the first place---this is beyond scary for me. Funny how one event can change so much...
Today is the day Heidi and I return to Logan. I am so happy about that. It will most definitely be a mighty adventure-like things always are. I love being up in Logan, with my Logan people. I love all my people actually...
I woke up to Jimmy Eat World, May Angels Lead You In playing in my head this morning. Great song, love it. I updated my music list, so feel free to take a gander through it. Wonderful songs on there.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Yes, I do realize the subject is's sposed to be that way. For Dramatic affect.
Dance last night was absolutely wonderful. We started learning an 8-hand figure, and Aly taught me more of the Double Jig. When dance was over I picked up Rina on my way home and we hung out in my room and talked for a couple hours, then I took her home. Today I am sitting at work-very frustrated with the e-mail system because my roommate Jacki e-mailed the resume I had saved on her computer to me twice and I haven't received either e-mails. And it's been like two hours. So odds are I'll just end up typing yet another stupid resume. I just met my brother-in-laws (Jason) brother Jack. He just returned from his mission. Their family is going to Houston on Friday to see Jason and my sister Nicole. I wish they would take me with them. However, I am returning to Logan on Thursday afternoon and coming home Friday night. It will be a welcome and exciting adventure, I'm sure. Not sure where Heidi and I are going to stay just yet...but I've got friends that will let us stay with them.
"I listen to these songs that remind me of you...and wonder if any of it was true." That's been the thought going through my head regarding some things and situations lately. I don't want to go into specifics but the general point is---keep your promises.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Eventful Weekend
Well Saturday ended up being an interesting day. I went to lunch with my brother and his fiancee, and hung out with them for a while. My mom decided-for absolutely no reason-that I shouldn't be with them anymore and called me home. Which, okay, I don't even understand at all...but honestly. He's my brother. Even if their relationship is screwed doesn't mean mine has to be. Needless to say I was very upset. My mother isn't even making sense with her "reasons" for acting how she is. I think she needs to take a step back and see how she's acting and what it's doing to the rest of the family, and especially to me... I came home and went straight to the basement without talking to anybody and there I stayed. I kept getting random text messages from various people until 1:30am when somewhere amongst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling around in my brain, I must have slipped into sleep.
Sunday morning I woke up with My Chemical Romance, "I'm Not Okay" in my head. So true. I had received a text from Heidi saying she was kidnapping me and taking me to Logan. No excuses. I was so relieved. I got up and went to church. The testimony meeting had a common theme: "God knows you, He knows all about you, He knows what you're going through and He will never leave you." Which is what I needed to hear, and I completely believe that without a doubt-but then I also think, "If God knows everything, then why is He letting this happen? Why is He letting things be the way they are right now?..."
After church Heidi and I ventured up to Logan. We went and found Tim, I missed that boy so much. We gave each other a big hug and I was so happy to just be around him again. We went into his townhouse where we just talked. It was so refreshing. I saw my old roommate Jacki, who practically dove onto the couch and latched her arms around me. Then Heidi and I went up Logan canyon with my cousin Shane (whose Birthday is today) and some of his friends for a Birthday BBQ. Then we went back to Tim's for a little bit, then came home at 12:30 this morning. Logan was such a nice retreat for me to be around those people again. That and car rides with Heidi are very therapeutic and we had a really nice chat there and back. Now I'm sitting at work looking forward to dance tonight. :)
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's a good far
So it is a lovely Saturday morning...well it's not exactly morning anymore, and I have yet to get out of bed, granted I haven't been awake that cat is asleep at my feet. My bed is just so comfortable and anybody who has been lucky enough to experience the gloriousness that is my bed will agree with me. I woke up to Vulnerable in my of course I had to listen to it. I have plans later today to go to lunch with my brother Paul, and his fiancee Carrie. It's been a while since I've seen either of them and I am so excited. As for later tonight I don't know what I'm doing yet. Prolly get some friends together, watch a movie or play wii or ping-pong or something. Aside from the puncture wound on my foot that itches like crazy, all is good!
Wow... I just got a phone call from a lady from a facial place, and my amazing friend Bailey picked me to go along with her on a facial deal. I love my friends.
Here is something I wrote, I hope you like it:
You never know how much people mean to you until they leave. You never know how much you appreciate the things you have, until they're taken away. Too many times in our lives, we think about what we want, instead of what we are blessed to have. As simple as carpet to walk on. We don't see the people scraping just to get by. We don't see the ones who were pulled from their families. We don't pay attention to advice that's given to us, until we're already in the hole. It's not about how many breaths you take: it's about how many moments take your breath away. Cherish the moments where time stops, and everything seems perfect. Hold onto the moments where your heart is flying, wrapped in the arms of a loved one. Memorize the small moments, the facial expressions, the smell, the sound of the perfect moments for they will get you through the tough days. Just remember you are loved. By numerous people. And they will stick by you through anything, and protect you if needed. Remember who you are, and how many people actually care about you. If someone doesn't like you, too bad for them. It's their loss. We all have a voice, we all have a message, and we all have ears, so listen, learn, and give back.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Intro/About Me
Alright, welcome welcome. Odds are I will be updating this thing very often, because I'm working for my parents at their office-and my job is sitting at a computer. It's not a hard job, it gets old and boring fast. But hey-at least I get paid for it right? I manage to keep myself entertained with Facebook, YouTube, occasionally Myspace...So, I guess I'll start out with a little intro about me (not like you need it or anything...)
As you know, my name is Stacy Jo. I used to not like my name but now I love it. Youngest of three, one brother, one sister. They are the best siblings and I love them both. My favorite color is green. I am an Irish Step Dancer and it is so much fun! I adore laughing and pictures. I write a lot so some of that will be posted on here as well. Music is a huge staple in my life, I relate to it very well. All the songs on my play list have a special meaning to me. Either dedicated to me, an event/evening, or just remind me of someone/something. My friends are my saving grace. Without them I wouldn't be where I am, and I wouldn't be who I am today. I eat colored candy (M&M's, Skittles, etc) two at a time by the same color. I don't eat the crust on pop-tarts. I love juice and root beer (not together though). Anywho, as I post more, you'll get to know more about me and what endeavors I face going through this thing we call life.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Who Knew
Holy crap, who knew that coming up with a single title to name my blog would be so mind-stretching. I tried to think of something creative that fits all of me. I originally thought of "So She Dances" because I love dancing, and the song by the uber fabulous Josh Groban is one of my dear favorites. Then I thought of "Dancing Through Life" (Wicked) but somehow those didn't seem to encompass all of me, just a part of it. Sure it covers dancing and music, but those aspects are only part of what makes me, me. So then I thought of an onion. onion. Onions have lots of layers to them-as do I. But seriously--an onion? Now that's just doesn't sound very appealing! "An Onion Dancing Through Life" Sure, it's funny, but come on, an onion? Surely I could do better than that. So then I started thinking of things with layers---lasagna, the earth, lettuce heads, rainbow jello...then it hit me. A Rose. Roses have layers (kinda), they're pretty (I like to think I am sometimes), they are versatile, delicate, make people feel good and there ya go. And I'm Irish and it means a lot to me. There's a traditional Irish song called "My Wild Irish Rose". So, "A Wild Irish Rose Dancing Through Life" is the title of this blog. Who knew it could hold so much meaning.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:49 AM 1 comments