Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson
Winter has fully set in here, which makes me happy. And sad at the same time-because I'm leaving before I get to really enjoy it. But that's okay. And while I'll miss the mass amounts of snow, I'll enjoy all the new things I get to experience. I depart for Ireland in a week. Part of me can't believe that it's happening, like some of this is a very realistic fantasy playing out. I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed. That's normal though, right? This is a huge thing! I think the biggest part of it is not knowing when I'll be back. But this is going to be such an epic adventure, I'm going to learn a ton, meet so many people, have experiences and opportunities that I can't get here. So that part is unbelievably and dauntingly exciting. And I'm not going to be disconnected from the people back here, I'll have e-mail and internet access. And I can get pretty good deals on calling cards.
I've had some interesting chats with a few people-who have all said relatively the same things. Which is interesting, but re-affirms to me that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. They've said things like when I get there, it'll be almost like I'm going home (in a sense) and that it'll be like I've been there before (which, in reality, I haven't). And that the things that I'll do and learn and see are going to be both what I need-and what the people I'm going to are going to need as well. Ends are being tied up getting me more prepared to go, there's multiple I'm not going to share online-because who knows who reads this thing. But things like saying final "See-you-later"s to friends, because I don't do goodbyes. It sounds too Final. Especially when you know you're going to see that person again--why say goodbye? It's just more of a prolonged see you later. Renewed my drivers license, my current one expires in a couple months. And I had my last dance performance last night. It was fun and went really well, I'm hoping to keep up dancing while I'm over there. I mean-I'm going to be in the place where the dance originated! I'm taking my dance shoes with me.
Changing subject: Since when is Christmas this week?! I think my mind has been so occupied with going to Ireland that everything else has blanked out. Christmas has totally snuck up on me, but that's okay because I love this season and the energy it brings.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Song
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My December
My December by Josh Groban
(^This song=brilliant)
Just a quick note about the song My December: I absolutely love it! The lyrics, the tone, the orchestration is genius. Listen to it. And then listen to it again. My favorite lines are: "This is my December, this is my time of the year." and "This is my December, these are my snow covered dreams." The orchestration that starts around 4:05 makes me stop what I'm doing almost every time.
Last week, Sunday-November 29, my little Muppet was born. My sister called that morning while they were on their way to the hospital and my parents and I caught a flight to Houston later that day. Muppet landed about the same time our plane did. She's pretty cute, I'm not gonna lie. And I'm not just saying that because she's my niece. And I'm also not saying that because she's a baby. She really, honestly, is pretty. Her name is Sydney-she's got loads of dark blond hair and dark blue eyes.
I had to come back from Texas sooner than I would like, but I had to get to Celtic Beat rehearsal Thursday night. We had a show on Saturday. It went alright-could have been better, but it wasn't bad by any means. It was fun though-like it always is. And that's all that matters.
I'm starting to count down to when I move to Ireland. 20 days! I'm nervous-but all this waiting is making me more anxious. I just wanna go already. I will say though-I'm going to miss the wonderful snow. It doesn't snow in Ireland much-if ever. Mostly rain, which is alright too because I love rain. Just not as much as I adore snow.
Speaking of snow, It's about freaking time we got a REAL snow storm. So I was much pleased when at 1am I looked outside to see outside being blanketed in snow. It's still snowing strong. Which pleases me. I know a lot of people don't like snow--and again, I do not really care. I want my snow before I leave so I welcome this happily. After I leave, ya'all can do whatever you want with the snow. But until then-let it snow!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Strangest Things
The Strangest Things by Radical Face
This is the story of just barely when I made part 1 of Mellow Jell-o for Thanksgiving dinner (which is tomorrow). Not much of a story, I made it quite nicely and think it will be tasty. But when I was going to get the eggs out of the fridge I managed to smack my left hand on the corner of the counter. Instantly turning red, welting, and changing color. Now my base knuckle (the PIP joint) of my pointer and middle finger have a lovely bruis-y tender spot on them, a weird purple line thingie going in between the two...could be the vein or something...I don't know. Either way-it hurts. Though, I will admit, I'm enjoying cooking and the adventures and things that come along with it. I'm glad that I get to cook more.
Speaking of cooking on to making Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes (from scratch) for dinner. :)
I'm going to stop typing now because typing hurts! Stupid counter getting in the way of my hand..maybe I should go track down some ice to put on it.
Happy Turkey Day tomorrow. Everyone be happy and thankful for everything you have, I know I am.
(I'd be even More happy if I could get some more snow....I'm jus' sayin'.)
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Come What May
Come What May from Moulin Rouge
------Sung by Ewan McGregor; Nicole Kidman
This is the story of The Baking of Famous Mrs. Fields Cookie Adventure With My Mother: It all started with washing my hands. A very important thing to do when cooking. The faulty soap dispenser decided to squirt all over. It got all up my arm, my shirt...and into my hair. Foam hand soap in your hair feels quite weird. Once all the ingredients were in the bowl, the next adventure began. Mixing the dough was messier than usual, little cookie dough spotlets decorated the island. Then, the last thing to add was the chocolate chips. My mom was getting out a spoon to mix in the chocolate chips, and the problematic silverware drawer got locked in the "out" position and wouldn't go back in for a few minutes. Then in mixing the chocolate chips in, the bowl may or may not have been a tad bit too small in which case overflowing chocolate chips. Then a hunt for all the runaway chocolate chips ensued. All was well after that. I'm not normally a messy and clumsy baker, I promise. Actually, I'm quite good at baking and things so I don't know what was up with today. But it was fun nonetheless. And the cookies are delicious! (As they always are.) Needless to say the whole experience left me feeling humored and in need of a shower.
I was successful in my search to become an AuPair in Ireland. I will be starting my grand adventure on Monday, December 28th. I'm quite excited and eagerly (and- I'll be the first to admit, nervously) anticipate all that will come my way while I'm over there. But the family I'll be with sounds fantastic. I've been e-mailing with the mom every day. More details to come as I feel like sharing.
It's supposed to snow this weekend...I am extremely excited. Though, pretty little white sparkly pieces of heaven have yet to float down from the sky. I know some of you out there do not share my love for pretty snowflakes, and to you I say, I do not care what you think. It's winter, snow comes with the territory. Deal with it. But it is almost the end of November- and outside, my grass is not covered in a beautiful white blanket. Nothing is. Which brings me to ask: Dear Universe, Where is my snow??
Well, I've got to go finish baking, do my laundry, and maybe possibly run a bit depending on how tired my body is today.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Black Velvet Band
The Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners
This past weekend was awesome. It was so fun to go with Carolyn down to St. George to see Katie. We had a bunch of fun. The coolest park I'd ever been to is in St. George. We seriously need one of those kind up my way. It had all these toys that were like nothing anywhere else. Teeter-totter swings, spinny buckets that get you more dizzy than anything, these twisty things you stand on and using your body weight and momentum you spin and spin and spin and spin and spin and...yeah. Way fun. Rock walls to climb. Basically way fun. Thanks Katie and John for awesome food and fun.
So, being a licensed massage therapist looking for a job...I've been coming up with other plans of what I want to do with my immediate future. I love massage and will continue that as my career- but I think before I hunker down and get attached to a job I want to DO something. And this plan of what I want to do seems to change every month. Two months ago I was devoted to researching about moving to Ireland for a bit. What paperwork I'd need, forms, etc. Just to see how hard it would be. And I LOVE that idea. And then last month the plan changed a little to going to teach English in Russia for a few months. Which I still like the idea of-but the plan has changed yet again. And I like this one best of all. Being an Au Pair in Ireland. I love the thought of joining a family, living with them, helping take care of the kids and house and whatever is needed. This way I can go see Ireland (which, as you know has been a major dream of mine) and help people (which is what I love to do) and pretty much immerse myself in it. I think my parents are more open to this idea- Russia didn't go over so well...but au pair seems to get a better response. I hope it works out.
My mom bought a costume for our kitty, the first year we've ever had a costume for him-and he's like 15 years old.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:26 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Winter is Coming
Winter is Coming by Radical Face
Lorelai: Wait, close your eyes and breathe. I smell snow.
Rory: Ah, it's that time of year.
Lorelai: Can't you smell it?
Rory: You know, it's like dogs and high-pitched noises. I think it's something only you can smell.
(Rory sits down next to Lorelai and pulls a blanket over the both of them)
Lorelai: I love snow.
Rory: Really, I had no idea.
Lorelai: Everything's magical when it snows, everything looks pretty. The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.
Rory: Thermal underwear, wool socks, ear flaps.
I, like Lorelai, have a great love of snow. So imagine my delight when I woke up this morning to beautiful, sparkly, drifting, pure, white snow. Today's gonna be a great day. I mean, it's go two of my most favorite things ever in the world involved! It starts with snow, and ends with dance. How could that deal get any sweeter?
I'm thinking all around, this is going to be a good week. Yesterday I heard from two of my favorite people/missionaries ever. I got an e-mail from Tim, and a letter from Jacki. Both making me smile. In honor of Tim and his e-mail this week, I will curl up with hot chocolate and watch a movie. Most likely will end up being Happy Feet, good memories.
This weekend, Carolyn and I are taking to the road to go and see our Katie in St. George.
So's all good.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Everybody's Someone
Everybody's Someone by Brian McFadden and LeeAnn Rimes
Well, life goes on, and it's all good. Last Monday I was in the process of writing my Tim a letter, I hadn't heard from him in a while. The beginning of my letter was reminding him of something we had talked about before he left on his mission. When I got done writing the first bit, I checked my e-mail. Right there, just minutes old in my inbox, was an e-mail from Tim. It was very surprising. So I read it, and hurried and e-mailed him back just to say hi. We e-mailed back and fourth a couple times, and then went on with our day. But that made my week. We must have been connected at that moment, for us to write each other at the same time, talking about the same thing. It was weird, and way cool.
My friend Drew came home from his mission and his homecoming was yesterday. It was way fun to see him and some old friends from high school again. Weird. But fun. It was a good day.
My grandpa Lynch's sister and her daughter were out here last week from Boston to judge the Crossroads Feis in Provo. Ann and Nancy. It was fun to meet them now (if I'd met them earlier in my life, I was too young to remember it). It was fun to meet people from my "Irish" side of the family.
Next week over Halloween Weekend, my friend Carolyn and I are going to venture to southern Utah. Our friend Katie got married and she and her husband have settled in St. George. So next week, Carolyn and I are going to go see our Katie. It's going to be fun.
Well, I think the cat's out of the's been killing me not to talk about it on here or on Facebook. I wanted to get adjusted and such before saying anything about it. I am no longer with Crawford School of Irish Dance. Which I'm both happy and sad about. Sad because I really loved dancing with the Crawford Adults, and I'll miss dancing with them. Happy because I've found a place that its better for me and fits what I want and need out of dance so much better. I am now with LaRae's Dance Unlimited. She's put me in with her performance group, Celtic Beat. I had my first performance with them last weekend. It was crazy, but so much fun. It's so good to be at a place where your dancing evolves and improves pretty much every week. Always learning something new. Dancing for longer than 45 seconds at a time (my dances now are at least 3 times longer). Dances that are more complicated and (in my mind) harder than the level I was stuck at with Crawford for over a year. It's almost half the money a month, and I get to go twice a week. So half the money and double the studio time. Anyways...that's enough of that. Bottom line...I'm with a new Irish Dance group and I love it.
Well, I'm off...I have to go buy canvases for to paint on.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Dreams aren't meant to be understood, just like tragedy isn't supposed to be adverted. Life just happens to us as it's supposed to. We learn to be happy when it's good and count our blessings when it goes wrong, and the only certainty is all of it just keeps happening." ~ Harold Abbott from 'Everwood'
It all started when my old roommate Jacki came down from Logan to spend some time with me as she gets closer to entering the MTC (next Wednesday). We had such fun, and she ended up staying the night with me. That night, I read on Facebook my cousin was going to the hospital. So at 1:30am I found out that he has pneumonia, the flu, and maybe spinal meningitis.
The next morning results were in and it was pneumonia and swine flu. So he's quarantined. My mom, aunt, grandma and I took him some stuff to hopefully help him feel better. Like offering alms to the Gods, we placed the bags around and backed away. I think today is his last day of being quarantined. As of Thursday night when I last talked to him, he was feeling much better.
Thursday I found out one of my neighbors died. This came as such a shock to me. She was just 55. I still don't understand it. It doesn't make sense. She had an annurism and her brain bled out. It's so sad.
Yesterday I both recieved and gave a massage, went to work and ended the day with a double date. Sheree & Michael, me & Nathan. Michael and Nathan are cousins, both of whom are way funny. We went to a comedy club in Provo that is kind of like "Whose Line is it Anyway", It was hilarious. And the car ride to and from was also a riot. I don't think I've ever laughed so much on a date before.
So this week brought with it a bunch of different things. Which fits the quote I inserted above.
I've also got some more stuff going on that I'm not going to/can't really talk about yet--maybe soon..maybe not. Depends on if I feel like sharing it with whoever reads this thing.
Well, I'm gonna go now. KBye.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fireflies by Owl CitySo, my sisters doctor gave her the okay to come. She and Jarmo are with his family, we'll see them tomorrow.
Today I made Christmas Swirl chocolate chip Birthday cookies for on of my missionaries. I find it funny because I used "Christmas swirl" chocolate chips for his birthday next week. If you don't think that's at least a little funny, I guess you just have to be in my brain to find it funny. It's entertaining in there sometimes.
If you haven't listed to The Script yet--do it. Now. Also, I've been a fan of Safetysuit listen to them too. And if you like Irish music-listen to Natalie MacMaster. The first song I heard by her was Volcanic Jig. I seriously stopped everything I was doing and sat at my computer and just listened. I was pretty much in awe. Mostly because the music grabbed at me. Dance moves and footwork and ideas barreled into my head. Now I really want to find a way to pull off what I've got in my head. That's been happening more and more lately..
Well anyways, I've got stuff to go do. KBye.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
From the Back of A Broken Dream
From the Back of A Broken Dream by Flogging Molly
Here I am. It's been a while..I know. But with Summer quickly ending and last minute vacations, projects and what ever else was happening; this blog wasn't really on the top of my list of things to do. I know. Shocking. Oh well.
Also, I have re-done the template as well as my music list. I've just been in the mood to change everything. Which I must admit has served me quite well. I love it all.
I've blondified my hair. Painted my room. I think my room project is pretty much done. It looks really good. I took a day with my friend Elise and we painted my room and talked while blasting music and getting high off of paint fumes. It was a fantastic day.
Two weeks ago, my cousin Shane invited me along on an adventure. He and his roommates were building a boat. So I documented the excursion with my trusty camera. It was such a good day. It took pretty much all day to build. Then after loading it in the back of Tom's pickup truck, headed out to the Great Salt Puddle (formerly known as a Lake) to launch the "boat" that ended up looking more like a barge.To our almost astonishment, it floated. (But then again, what doesn't float in a body of water that's like 7x saltier than the ocean?) With one person it still floated. With two people in it, it mostly floated...and three people there was no floating. After fighting with the bugs for a bit we decided we were done and ran back to the cars. The bugs were AWFUL. And for some reason, they really like me. And it doesn't matter how much repellent I wear, I can bathe in the stuff and the mosquitoes will still get to me. I must be really sweet or something. But it's freaking annoying. We got back into Reg (my cousins Commander) itching and freaking out. I've never wanted to scratch off my skin so badly before in my life. We were bitten all over. Face, neck, arms, legs...these nasty little blood-suckers were relentless. So the next day I was curious as to how many bites I had, on ONE ARM I counted an annoying 25 bites. Then I decided to stop counting. I did not want to know the grand total anymore.
To make it even better...I'm allergic to mosquito bites. I have bad reactions to them. It's ridiculous. My arms didn't react too terrible, but my legs suffered severely. I had one bite in particular on my left leg that had a reaction like I've never seen before. It looked horrid. Like I got run over by a truck, or someone poured Acid on my leg, or contracted gangrene or something. This picture was taken three days after and it still looked awful. (The picture doesn't do it justice.) Yes, folks, that pretty little thing is from a mosquito bite. It's a pink color now, but I never want to get bit again. And when I get to create my own world-mosquitoes will not be invited. They serve NO good purpose!
So, all in all, boat-great idea. Great Salt Lake- Worst Idea Ever!!!
Next week my bed-ridden sister and her Muppet-filled stomach, and Jarmo are coming to Utah for a visit. Should be pretty exciting to see how her tummy has grown since I was in Texas visiting them. Hopefully her Doctor will give her the okay to travel since she's been on bed rest for the past couple weeks.
Well, I think that's all the updating for today. There's a couple other things going on but I'm not sure if I should talk about it here yet..if I change my mind, I'll let you know.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Humdrum by The Corrs
So, dental adventure #2 actually went better than dental adventure #1..which I did not expect, but it was nice. Triazolam is pretty good stuff. Combine that with the laughing gas and I did not care what was going on. I've healed pretty well, I only had a little swelling.
For some reason this week my stomach decided to rebel on me. I've felt like crap on toast since Wednesday. My stomach felt like it was imploding and my head felt like it was exploding. Not too fun. Today I'm doing alright though. Well enough to spray paint my desk, which isn't hard and it was nice to be outside in (spray paint fumed) fresh air. Spray-painting my desk is the start of re-doing my room.I've already got a new bookshelf, it makes my room look a lot less cluttered. (Which, with the size and layout of my room, is great.) I've got paint for the walls, and ideas rolling around in my head. I'm thinking it's going to look great when I get done with it.
So book update: In the Woods by Tana French is way good. It's about a detective who gets assigned to a murder case that hits a little too close to home-since the murdered 12 year old girl was found in his hometown, by the woods where his two best friends disappeared (he was found) 20 years prior. It's way intense, I recommend it. The Likeness is a sequel of sorts to it and is on my list to read.
I'm currently reading Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. I'm about 1/4ish of the way through it and so far it's good-reminds me of me and some of my friends. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done.
We found out this week that my sister is going to have a baby girl. That's pretty exciting.
UM!...I think that's all, well, all that I feel like expressing to cyber-world for anyone to read.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Closer by Joshua Radin
^^I love this guy..
Camping was awesome. We were only there a few days but it was fun. We just hung out, my cousins and aunt and I went on a hike for a few hours. We saw baby and mommy moose. And some deer. The weather was kind of crazy, the first day was on and off rain and very unpredictable (which made it fun.) and the next day it was majorly windy. The day we left it was nice.
I'm getting ready to get round two of the dental adventure done. I go in Friday morning. I'm getting more than the numbing stuff this time...thank goodness. So we'll see how that goes.
I've been itching to play with cameras lately, so hopefully I can get someone to go with me sometime soon. Preferably tomorrow because after that I'll be out of commission for a few days.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Show
The Show by Lenka
My dentist adventure went okay. They didn't use any form of sedation though..dumb. Just numbed me up real good and pulled out my top right wisdom tooth. Because it was all the way grown in it wasn't bad. With my next one-it's still under the gum so I'm wanting them to give me something else besides just numbing. They didn't put in any stitches either so I've just got a hole. I bled for longer than I thought I would so not only did my mouth hurt-but it tasted like blood. Yummy...
That's pretty much all I did this week. Haha.
In the morning I'm going camping with my family (well..the ones that are in Utah anyways..). I'm way excited, we haven't gone for a while. This is going to be a fantastic adventure.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Story So Far
The Story So Far by Flogging Molly
I got back last night from visiting my sister, Muppet and Jarmo in Houston. It was good to see them-but I think I expected more of Texas. It's stupid hot (100 degrees at least), with stupid humidity (which makes it ever hotter), and stupid drivers. And it's just gonna get worse in the next few months--have fun with that, Texas.
We basically just hung out, went to the biggest mall I've ever seen-The Galleria. Where I'm pretty sure I passed a famous musician while we were walking. Hung out by the pool one day, got a little tan. Watched fireworks get launched off a barge in the ocean. Went to church. Church goes by faster in Texas and I'm not entirely sure why.. So all in all it was good. My sister makes a pretty cute pregnant person.
The flight out was quite adventurous, we had just left SLC, were in the air for about 10 mins when the pilot announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a slight engine malfunction." Well I don't know about you-but hearing the words "Engine Malfunction" does not exactly make me feel all safe and secure thousands of feet above the ground. So, they turned around and we landed back in Salt Lake and had to wait a little over an hour to leave again. The magnificent thing of a good book-is that it does a very good job at distracting you and helping pass the time. Which I did on the flights to and from, and while waiting in the airport. I'm currently reading "In The Woods" by Tana French. It's a Psychological\Murder\Suspense and I'm totally into it.
While adventuring in Houston, my massage license arrived at my house. So I am now Officially: Stacy Lynch, LMT.
I also figured out that I'm related to one of my good friends, Lindsay Rigby. My great great great grandparents are her great great grandparents...that makes us cousins. A little distant, but related nonetheless. That's pretty exciting!!
Well, I'm going to go get ready for round one of two of my dentist adventure.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Vila Rada
Vila Rada by Nikola Sarcevic
Well, Alexis's wedding was awesome. I was so happy to be a part of it. It was a good evening.
I have to get my wisdom teeth out..yay...but I only need my top ones out at this moment. But all my wisdom teeth look good and they're not causing any problems, all in line and everything. They said they'll come out easy. I also have a few cavities that need to be filled so on Monday I will go in and get one side taken care of-one wisdom tooth and some cavities. And then a week later I will go in and have the same thing on the other side. The plus side--I'm going to be sedated. Thank goodness. I do not like the dentist. Not him personally-but his profession. But I'm going to a new dentist-and I really like them so far. Hopefully I still have the same opinion after this adventure. haha.
I'm going to Texas on Wednesday morning. That was just decided about 30 mins ago. I'm flying to Houston with my mom and we're going to see my sister, Jarmo and Muppet. I'm excited. We'll be down there over the 4th which is going to be amazing! We're going to party and it is going to be fantastic. And hot..
So, I'll be in Houston this week and come back Sunday night, just in time to go to the dentist on Monday morning..whoopee...
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Lift Me Up
Lift Me Up by Kate Voegele
^ That is the song I had stuck in my head while I was taking the MBLEx. Which kind of made me chuckle because it seems so appropriate! So yes. It's over. Security for that test is ridiculous. I got digital fingerprinted like 5 times and had to show my I.D. like 3 times. Why I'm not exactly sure because they were watching me the whole time.
I got to the testing center just after 5pm, and it was raining SO bad. Downpour! (Which I Loved, of course.) and ran inside, found the room, checked in and all that, which took a bit because there were so many security measures. Then got escorted into the testing room, sat at the computer and began my test. My test appointment was at 5:30pm. I took the test (all the while having Kate Voegele's song running though my head), raised my hand and got escorted out of the testing room. They printed off my result right then (That Goodness I didn't have to wait!). I read the paper that was handed to me. I PASSED! I walked out of the testing center and looked at my phone, it was just after 6pm. Go me.
This morning, Shauna (she went to school with me and took her test a few days before I did, and passed as well) and I went into Salt Lake to DOPL (Department of Professional Licensing) and submitted our applications for licensure. My license should come in the mail in the next few weeks!
On another note, one of my best friends, Alexis, is getting married this weekend. I'm honored to be a bridesmaid for her. It is going to be awesome. I'm so happy for her and Eric.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:12 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Better Than
Better Than by The John Butler Trio (listen to it, love it. I just heard it this morning.)
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours."
I'm taking the MBLEx on Saturday. It's a hugely important test. It determines whether or not I can get licensed as a Massage Therapist. It's normal to feel some apprehension, right? And I think that's what I'm feeling. I'm nervous, but normally nervous. I think. And I feel fairly confident, but not over-confident so that's good. We'll see how it goes..
I guess the best inspiration comes at night...because I've been in a serious writing drought for a long time, but last night I was watching a movie on my laptop and sentences, phrases and dialogue started ambushing my brain. So I gratefully opened a Word document and started typing again. It felt good.
And I may be the only one that feels this way, but I have Loved the near constant rain the past week-ish. But I don't care what other people think. I love it. But the whole thunder/lightning thing needs to go..
Oh, P.S. My toe is all healed. Still a little bruised, but it's not freakishly disgusting anymore. I can walk, work out, dance, etc.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 3:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Scars by Papa Roach
So, I came across this quote when I was watching an episode of Everwood online the other day. And I really liked it.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.
I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels better somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be waiting out there. Chances are it could be even worse.
So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little. When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really, really close. Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again." -Ephraim Brown, Everwood
Well, I think I know what my tragic flaw is.. I'm not going to proclaim it to cyber-world. But I'm all for sharing good quotes and/or thoughts. So here you go.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Always Love
Always Love by Nada Surf (I am a HUGE fan of this song.)
I am now officially graduated! Yay!! No more school for me! It was a small little ceremony and a nice dinner. There were 5 total graduates, yours truly of course being one of them. I sent in my application to take my licensing test. It's a little of an intimidating thought..being completely done with school. I mean, right now it just feels like summer..but the thought of not having to go back at all is a little weird.
And, my sister is going to have a baby. She's about 3 months pregnant. Little baby-more affectionately known as Muppet (by me), should be here at the beginning of December.
On a different note...Do Not, under Any circumstances let something fall on your toe and smash it. It hurts Real bad. Saturday, I opened the freezer and before I knew it something had catapulted out of the freezer and careened down making an abrupt halt right on top of my right fourth toe. Instantly swelling up and turning a lovely mixture of black and blue. At first I thought it was broken. I couldn't walk on it, I couldn't move it...any contact with anything hurt it. Now I can walk almost normal. And the bruise has gone from black and blue to purple and red and just a little blue. And! It's in the shape of a rainbow. (color bands and all, just not all the colors of a rainbow.)
Plus, I'm improving my room. I really like it so far. I'm probably going to be at my parents house for a bit longer because I have to pay off my student loan, AND I'll soon have a new car. Which is probably a good thing because I've been afraid to drive mine for about two weeks, and haven't driven it since last Tuesday. I was worried it might explode..and the gas pedal doesn't always work as it should...for graduation, my parents said they'd either help get a lesser expensive one, or put a down payment on a nicer one. Yay!
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Mixed Tape
The Mixed Tape by Jack's Mannequin
When I was up in Logan, We had a quote wall. It was fantastic. Here's most of the quotes from it.
"Charlie Brown is a cartoon character who's never gotten action in his life." -Tim Kerns
“What would Jesus do? Jesus would answer the phone.” –Stacy Lynch
“I substitute eating for never sleeping.” –Mike, the waiter at the Ogden IHOP
“That’s why men need women.” –Ashlee Underwood Nielsen
“Hookers can fall in love.” –Stacy (while watching Pretty Woman.)
“And with our forces combined, anyone can beat us!” –Eric Jeffs
“Why did you make an ashtray in sacrament meeting?” –Ross Nelson
“Tony LOLed me..” –Stacy
“Ew..” –Jacki Thompson
“Jake, you’re rubbing my leg.” –Jason Reese
"JAKE! You're Rubbing My Leg!!!" -Jason, five minutes later.
“Happiest place on earth… only ‘cause there’s meth in the air.” –Tim (talking about Disneyland)
“We should go so they can get to their boys.” –Stacy’s dad
“Maybe their boys don’t want to get with them tonight.” –Stacy’s mom
“I can see why college students resort to fornication. There’s nothing else to do!” –Jon Miller
“Can we please watch Titanic?” –Chris LeCates
“Oh baby stop!” -Jacki
“Pretty sure if that was a sexual reference it wouldn’t be stop.” –Ashlee
“Could you guys please stop laughing? It’s distracting.” –Ross
“This is a really cool picture, huh? –James Ford
“Yeah. If you’re Satan.” –Ian Binks
“Wroth- that’s like 'Ross' with a lisp!” –Stacy
“You should come bounce on my bed sometime.” –Jacki
“You look like one hot Mama!” –Jordan Monroe
“… and I’d wrestle a wild boar!” –Jason
“What about wild whores?” –Eric
“We’re like a jukebox!” –Kelly Christianson
“I think the weather has A.D.D.” –Stacy
“I hopped off IHOP… twice.” –Mike, the waiter
“Everyone in my apartment is crazy! Tim cooks sausage. Jon reads about sex.” –Brian Pincock (Jon was reading his psychology book.)
“We. Have. Foo-duh.” –Jacki and Stacy
“Something can be awkward without being sexual.” –Moe Smith
“It’s just very rare.” –James
“You know how much cooler I would be… if I was from Brooklyn?” –Brian
“Heidi’s world is becoming upset. Her raspberries are ovaries and her peas are fruit.” –Kelly
“Hit me.” –Jacki
“Jacki, you are going to Hell.” –Eric
“I have a prescription to popular science magazine.” –Jaron Newman
“I like to feel my phalanges.” –Moe
“You’re one of those friendly Elmo-type menaces.” –Ben
“My cuticles are numb.” –Stacy
“Hop the boarder and run to Vegas.” –Josh Marchant
“You good? You stable?” –Tim
“No.” –Ashlee
“Ok.” –Tim
“You’re like a freaking boy scout.” –Stacy
“I’d rather not be your bra.” –Jacki
“That’s a little awkward.” –Courtney Twitchell
“Have you seen my monkey?” –Jacki
“It is a valid question.” –Ben
“The quote wall hates me.” –Moe
“To dry unwashed hair… why would you need to do that? It’s already dry.” –Josh
“I need to study for life. I’m failing!” –Kelly
“Wow! Those are some big…. boots.” –James (while watching Phantom of the Opera.)
“I love you too, baby. I love you too.” –Brian to Tim
“Blue is generally not a healthy color for a human. –Stacy
“Ew! Yuck! What is she wearing?” –Courtney
“A dead snow leopard.” –Stacy
“I think that would suck giving birth to a unicorn.” –Stacy
“That was gorgeful.” –Brother Hopkins
“I’d rather share pants with Jacki than have a cat in my pants.” –Josh
“Run Forrest.” –Moe
“Shut up, jerk!” –Tim
“Our friends are retarded.” –Lindsay
“He sounded out of breath when I called him.” –James
“He had to come up for air.” –Jaron
“I swear- the world is turning the boys retarded.” –Stacy
(Knock Knock) “Come in! Ha ha.. They can’t.” –Stacy
“Jacki! You just had a Morgan moment!” –Stacy
“You are deficient!” –Brian
“Whoa! Jane exploded!” –Stacy
“I am possibly the most brilliant person I have ever met. You know why? Because I am an idiot!” –Brian
“Well, what other way is there to cook a microwave?” –Ian
“The demons were trying to get into my… nevermind.” –Tim
“Do you guys mind if we change to ‘Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader’? I want to see how dumb I am today.” –Kelly
“No one goes to school in Mexico.” –Ross
“It’s like a big, clear noodle.” –Moe
“I can’t see your stunning features.” –Jaron
“I’m laying between three guys.” –Jacki
“Dang, you’re lucky!” –Moe
“Wanna switch spots?” –Jacki
“Nothing’s wrong with me except my knees are made of liquid dookie.” –Shane Earl
“Tim, you hold hands weird.” –James (while holding hands with Tim, playing a game)
“If you weren’t getting married we wouldn’t have dirty minds.” –Stacy
“Yeah right.” –Jacki
“What was that?”-Stacy
“That was a gleeful chuckle.” –Jacki
“We’re feeling a little alto-ish today.” – A Tenor
“Not sure if we want to go there..” –Brother Hopkins
“I’m going to give up on Jessie tonight.” –Ashlee
“Oh. I thought you were going to say something about Bon Jovi.” –Stacy
“Coo-Coo-Ka-Chew!... That means pass..” –Landon Frost
"Ask me if I just tripped up the stairs?"- Ross
"Did you just trip up the stairs?" -Stacy & Jacki
"Yes I did. Now ask me how I felt about it." -Ross
"How did you feel about it?" Stacy & Jacki
"Like an Idiot!" -Ross
(Holding a plastic pumpkin) "I kind of want to stick my head in this..." -Tim
"You can't, your head's too big." -Stacy
"You say sorry too much." -Eric
"I'm sor-" -Stacy
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
World Spins Madly On
From now on, I'm going to have all the titles of my entries from song titles/lines. This one being World Spins Madly On by The Weepies. Which just happens to be the song I'm listening to right now. No specific reason-although it is a fantastic song. I liked the title for this entry too.
Well I am. The past while has been quite interesting. I've done a lot. Re-connected with old friends whom I have missed like India misses Gandhi. I've strengthened relationships with friends who are my true friends. I've let people go out of my life because they were clearly not friends and I was just too blind to see it. Sucks, yes. But oh well, I'm much better off for it. I'm done with clinic for school, but I'm still getting requests and appointments. I'm heading into finals for my last two weeks of school. Ever. That is unless I decide to go back to school after graduation for something else..who knows. I had an adventure to Santa Barbara, a much needed getaway.
Mostly I'm posting now to put up pictures from Santa Barbara. My dad had a business meeting and my mom and I flew to California with him. While there, we met my dads high school foreign exchange student (from Sweden), Per, his fiancee, Kirsten, and his soon-t0-be-step-son, Jens, who is going to a semester of college in Santa Barbara. It was really cool meeting them, incredibly nice people. So here's some pictures from my trip (sorry there aren't any pics of us with the Swedes).
The BeachStarfish
A huge boot. I got bored, and tried to see if maybe I could get inside it..I couldn' was too tall.
Fantastic, No? Oh Man..
I found Captain Jack Sparrow.
Water Lilly
I really liked these flowers.
Not so haunted looking haunted house. The guy said it was really haunted! Doesn't look it..I was kind of disappointed. This professor guy used to live in it, and he slipped in the bathroom and hit his head and drowned in the bathtub and died. And he's still there.
Solvang. A Dutch town, windmills, Danish food, totally authentic place. Pretty cool.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 7:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Not too much going on the past couple weeks, my birthday was last Sunday. It was pretty good, my roommate Jacki came and spent some time with me. It was snowing and she didn't want to drive Sardine Canyon in the snow at night (it's scary) so she stayed at my house. It was so good to see her again. I'm going to get a weekend where I can go up to Logan and hang out with my cousin, and with Jacki. I miss Logan a lot. Hopefully maybe this weekend.
I got a massage chair, so now I can do chair massages. It's a very comfortable chair. I also got new Hardshoes..they're pretty. Breaking them in is going to suck and my feet are going to die, but it's gonna be fun.
School is good, 7 weeks until graduation.
Here's a random sidenote: Don't you just love it when you wash some laundry (in this case it was my massage sheets), and when you go to fold them you notice they smell really familiar...and then you realize- That smells like an ex-boyfriend! He must have used the same laundry whenever you go to use whatever you washed (in my case it was my sheets..) all you can smell is the scent of an ex's during my clinic today I was smelling the scent of one of my ex-boyfriends.
Well, there's all the superficial stuff of things I don't care if the world knows for this update.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fun times
St. Patrick's Day is over, and so are all the festivities that come with it. It was awesome. I had such a great past couple weeks (after I got done being sick). Parades, performances, parties, playing. The St. Patrick's day parade seemed longer this year. The Siamsa was fun. The Jazz Game half-time was Awesome! It looked way good, if you missed it and want to see it-you can find it on my Facebook. This is a birds-eye view of us at the parade.
I have a new favorite band. The Script, from Dublin Ireland. They're wonderful, they released their debut album in the U.S. on Tuesday. Since I was busy all day with St. Patrick's Day things, I went out and bought it yesterday. I love them. Danny, Mark and Glen.
This week I started 4th quarter, I have Lymphatic Massage, Visceral, Muscle Interaction, Segmented Massage, Hot Rock, Advanced Cranial. Plus ongoing clinic and study for big big tests.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
So, with all the stuff that I've got coming up starting today through the next who knows how long--I've been and will continue to be pretty dang busy.
Last night I went over to Alys house and we practiced the a Capella part of the double reel (hardshoe). Broke parts down, repeated over and over, then stitched all the parts together and did those over and over. Two hours and I wake up today and my left knee is really stressing. Stairs are not my friend. Walking isn't really my friend either. Will I back off and take it easy? Nope. I've got too much to do.
Performance today, two performances tomorrow, practice Sunday, Monday, Tuesday with a performance Tuesday night, class on Wednesday..So I've got to do those-THEN I can back off, take it easy and nurse my knee..even then I still can't go too soft on it. Haha.
So The Salt Lake parade is supposed to start around 10am, the Siamsa at noon, we'll be dancing underneath the white tents. Tuesday we're performing at half-time for the Jazz game. So, I've got a lot ahead of me. I hope you come out to see me if you can, it'd be great to see people.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Getting better.
Okay, well I'm at about 90% better. I still cough, but not near as much as I was. My nose is a little congested but it's almost nothing.
I went to the dance performance on Saturday night, it was fun. Because I don't have a wig yet, I bought at 5/8" curling iron- the smallest on made, and sat for an hour and a half while my ponytail got curled. It looked way good, and it stayed way curly through all the bouncing. I loved it. Dancing did set me back a little in the healing process because Sunday my cough was back, and I felt worse than I did the day before. But it was so worth it.
Finals are all going really good. I had 4 last week, and I have 7 this week for a total of 11 finals.
This Saturday is the Salt Lake City St. Patrick's Day parade at 9am at the Gateway mall, we'll be dancing down the street of the mall. Then at the Greek Orthodox Church at 12 noon is the Siamsa. It's gonna rock.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So I've been sick for over a week. And it's driving me nuts. It started with just an irritated throat. You know-that scratchy dry spot and no matter how many times you swallow it's still there. Then it progressed to make my voice work half the time and I cough and cough and cough and cough until I gag and can't breathe and sometimes throw up a little. And couldn't swallow all the way. And then my sinuses decided to play. I've missed a dance performance this week as well as my dance class. Unfortunately, no school has been missed due to it being the first of my two weeks of finals. But fortunately- my teachers either let me sleep or leave early when I'm done and I sit in the corner of the room away from everyone else so they don't get sick. So I sleep-wake up go to school and take finals (practically in my sleep-and still manage to get 100 or close to it) and come home and sleep some more. I can sleep just fine during the day, it's night sleeping that's causing frustration. I can't tell you how many time's I've woken up to massive coughing attacks. NOT Fun! But-health is on the horizon and I'd better be well by Saturday for a dance performance or I'm gonna be mega-ticked.
BUT I am reading a new book series- the House of Night novels by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast. I'm just on book one but I really like it. It's a vampyre book (that's how they spell it in the book: "Vampyre") Here's just a paragraph from the first chapter, I thought it was funny:
"Do vampyres play chess? Were there vampyre dorks? How about Barbie-like vampyre cheerleaders? Did any vampyres play in the band? Were there vampyre Emos with their guy-wearing-girl's-pants weirdness and those awful bangs that cover half their faces? Or were they all those freaky Goth kids who didn't like to bathe much? Was I going to turn into a Goth kid? Or worse, an Emo? I didn't particularly like wearing black, at least not exclusively, and I wasn't feeling a sudden and unfortunate aversion to soap and water, not did I have an obsessive desire to change my hairstyle and wear too much eyeliner."
Posted by Stacy Jo at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
V-Day Comic
Yesterday was Valentines Day, whoopdeedoo. I'll spare you my thoughts on the lamest of all holidays. I did however, find this on Josh Groban's blog and thought it was pretty funny.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My Busy Life
The past couple weeks have been incredibly busy and stressful and frustrating- and amongst it all, I have to admit that I enjoyed most of it. I have been incredibly productive and accomplishing so much in many areas. Plus, getting caught up in the rushed chaos that has been my life is both exhausting and satisfying. My life has been consumed of bouncing straight from school, to work, to clinic, to dance (at the studio-or in my basement), then crashing on my bed only to wake up shortly after to continue the hectic cycle all over again. Happily.
My moments of peace and relaxation take place on Wednesdays (possibly my busiest day of every week) when after dance my dance girls and I would go get hot chocolate (which usually never fully consists of hot chocolate) and talk about the most random of subjects, laughing at said random subjects, and I really just enjoy their company for many reasons. For one: they're not drama like some of my friends have been. For two: we can be candidly explicit with each other. For three: there's no judgment that takes place in our little group. And, they're just awesome to be around. I could go on about why I love dance, and the wonderful friends I've made in class..but I won't. I'm sure they'll appreciate this little spiel about them. :)
Another fabulous thing that has happened to me, I was finally reunited with my first ever best friend for the first time in 11 years. She moved to Washington right after 3rd grade and we kept in touch through letters, rare phone calls, and lately- emails and text messages. She moved back to Utah recently and we were able to see each other again on Tuesday. It was so refreshing to see her and to hang out again. I'm still amazed that after 11 years of being apart, we have kept in touch and have stayed close. And we vowed not to wait 11 years until we're 31 to see each other again.
Clinic is going great. I have worked on a wide variety of ages, occupations, etc. From 17 to 82, from student, to teacher, to waitress, to flight attendant, to chef, to a football linebacker. It's really fun and I've learned a lot so far.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 11:13 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'm in Love
Alright, Last night I went to see Lord of the Dance at Kingsbury Hall. I for one, Loved it. The mens ensemble was stronger than the womens, and the women softshoe solos seemed pretty simple. The taps were pre-recorded, which was kind of a let down but made sense because the music would have drowned out the sound of the hardshoes. I got over it pretty fast.
When the Dark Lord came out with his warriors, I knew I was going to fall in love. And I did. That dance was one of my two favorite parts of the whole show.
I love that dance. And the Dark Lord was amazing. I loved him (maybe even more than the Lord of the Dance.)
My other favorite part was when the Lord of the Dance danced without music with his warlords.
I am so glad I was able to go see it. I saw Spirit of the Dance in Branson, MO for my 17th birthday. Which was way cool, it incorporated other styles of dance (Salsa, Ballroom, Tap, Jazz, even Hip-Hop) but it centered around Irish Dance. Lord of the Dance was great and it was a wonderful close to some very stressful and crazy-busy weeks. I'm hoping I can relax now..
Posted by Stacy Jo at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We create it...
So, I've been thinking. Which can be dangerous and get me way too stressed out, but this time it's been kind of an eye-opener. Bringing to light things that I've been hearing throughout my entire schooling but never really understood the magnitude of what my teachers have been saying; I've don't think I've ever fully grasped, understood, and started to apply said knowledge until just these past couple weeks. So with all these thoughts going in my head, I figured I'd jot them down for you to read. Hopefully it makes sense. I'm just gonna type and post.
We create our own conditions. We sustain our circumstances. On some level, we've brought upon ourselves the experiences and positions we find ourselves in every day. Whether you believe it or not, it's true. Granted- there are things that are out of our control. I could not stop that guy from abusing me just like you could not stop that car from crashing. But I can choose to either take abuse and blame it on myself, and act like a victim; or rise above it and overcome what happened to me. You can set your intent on how you heal from and auto crash. You can hold onto whatever injuries you may have acquired and play the victim card and pull for attention and/or pity from others, or you can realize that there is health and a full recovery. It's all how you perceive it.
Each of us, every human being, has the ability to heal ourselves. If something happens and you don't truly want to recover from it, then you won't. But if you have the drive, and determination to recover and triumph over it, your body and spirit will account for that and you will. People that claim to be stuck with something, or constantly "holding onto" something will get just that.
There are instances of course where one can't do it on their own. That is where a healer comes into play. A healer is someone who can listen to your body, and assist in the healing process. I'm not just saying this because it makes for a good topic. I truly believe it and have had personal experiences to back me up.
I've been through of some pretty rotten situations, and they have truly left me somewhat inhibited. Starting last week, I have realized how powerful I am in healing myself and releasing the traumas of my life. Truly allowing myself to literally rise above it and be able to move on. It's quite liberating.
Also, I've watched my cousin as he went through what I believe to be a quite damaging form of Hell. He was in an extremely serious car crash and is a living miracle. I watched as his determination to live pulled him towards health. I witnessed his positive attitude and will to get better. I stood by him in awe at his recovery which was far faster than anyone ever expected. For him to be alive today is truly a witness to me. He was ready to move on as soon as he came out of his coma. He was determined not to let it hold him back. He wanted everything to go back to normal and worked hard to make it happen. If anyone had the right to pull the card, he did. But he didn't. He's made the best of everything, and he's my hero.
So if you tell me that you're "stuck with" something, or play a victim card for a prolonged period of time; pardon me if I don't believe you.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 1:56 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So, last week was absolutely fabulous and this weekend was amazing.
I started my clinic so I am now working on "the public". With appointments and clients and all that jazz, I must say- I love it. I am so fired up and in love with it all over again, I have the ability to truly help people still; even though I'm not going into Social Work anymore (But may go back too). Being able to help people and help heal them and help them feel good is great. Although I find that not eating all day and doing massages, I am hungry at the end of the day. haha.
My classes for this quarter are awesome. Study of the Spine, Shiatsu, Trigger Point, SER (Somato Emotional Release), Spinal Touch, Tuina, Clinic, and Sports Massage. Sweet!
I went to Arizona this weekend, my uncle got baptized-it was spectacular and a seriously great weekend. My cousin, Michael (16, almost 17) was able to baptize him. He torqued his back lifting weights a few days beforehand, luckily I happened to bring massage cream with me (because I'm a nerd like that) and I worked on him for a while, and he was able to move and not have pain in his back and shoulders. That was cool to be able to work on him and see immediate relief and benefits.
.This is us in front of the London Bridge.
This is me and my Devaney.Devaney, Me, CJ, Nicole, Mom and Alyssa.
Jarmo, Coley, Tony, Allison, CJ, Alyssa, Michael, Me, Devaney, Gladys, Grandma and Mom and Dad outside the church in Havisu.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year
Happy New Year!!
Last night was a great night. I had three friends over- some of the best girls ever. And we just had a fun night!
We played Dance Dance Revolution, Super Mario 3, Drank some bubbly at midnight (Sparkling Burgundy, provided by Lindsay Rigby), Watched some Jeff Dunham and The Dark Knight. It really was a great night. I totally loved it.
So, 2009 came in quite nicely, I'm very interested in what's going to happen this year. I've got a couple boys coming home from missions this year, I'll graduate and be licensed in Massage Therapy and have a career, continue on and progress with dance. To name a few. I'm excited, nervous, kind of scared, and hoping it'll be a great year.
Posted by Stacy Jo at 8:11 PM 3 comments